I dreamed about a rabbit being devoured by wolves
7/2 - I dreamt that I was going to transfer to Mount Saint Charles for junior year and it was like Hogwarts and I kept tripping down granite staircases and I didn't want to take a religion 1 class with freshman but Maddi really wanted me to go to Mount. Crazy stuff was going on with people running off and doing incantations and there were werewolves and stuff.
My crush and I were texting all day discussing that we needed to hang out then the next day he texted me telling me to call him then when I did he explained that he was going to die and had something to say but then he died. Devastated I ran into the forest and was almost killed by wolves but returned home and cried and wished I knew what he was going to say then I woke up relieved that he is still alive.
I’m sleeping in my bed one night, and there’s a strange noise outside my window. I open my window and a pack of wolves jump into my room. I run downstairs as the wolves chase me. I reach my houses’ front door and run down the street frantically in the dark. I jump over a large fence into a neighbors grassy backyard and hide behind a bush. The wolves somehow jump over the fence and catch me.
Wolves chase me around the house with red purses then drag me into the car and kidnap me
Encased I a white light, 2 wolves in armour are trying to attack under a red sky.
Sometimes I start outside and other times inside. Sometimes the locations are familiar, other times new places. Things are always peaceful, then I get nervous. Afterwards, I see a wolf. Next, I run inside, or, if outside, to a safe location, i.e., a high tree. Then, an endless attack of wolves start to try to reach me. They keep attacking the front door, windows, chimney, and any opening until they break through. Lastly I end in the closet, and after they break through, their bight awakes me in fear.
I dreamed that I was attacked by two wolves, more protected me with a sharpened stick, another witch was crows come in miha direction, along with the wolves, then I woke up.
Chocolate powdered cake. mountains. dead dog. wolves. pelts. skinned. taste weird. bus stop. fur coat. ex boyfriend . denim jacket. crowd. throw. recover. desert. videogame. cloud. pixels. doors, suitcases, labyrinth. start over. friends. caterpillar. perspective change. woman dancing. a golden coin? a fragmented map. broken.
Sometimes I start outside and other times inside. Sometimes the locations are familiar, other times new places. Things are always peaceful, then I get nervous. Afterwards, an endless pursuit of wolves come after me. I confront them. I realize this is a dream and I cannot be intimidated. What I think happens. The wolves cannot get near me. I halt their forward progress. I tame the wolves. I wake up excited.