Understand My Dreams

Dreams weapon

My family and I start seeing these people that are infected with a virus that makes them crazy and cannibalistic. We run away to get safety. Then we find a fenced in community of people that weren't infected, and my dad helped me and my husband get our kids over the fence. The insane people killing everyone they find, but I was able to avoid them and get in the gated community. Leaving our children with my father and mother, we ventured out in a vehicle filled with weapons and guns. We were able to find the cure, and kill the woman spreading the virus.

I was in a hot air balloon with about four people; three guys and a girl and me. Then one of the guys jumped off of the hot air balloon into a city because he thought that he was being ignored or bullied, and then he rummaged his way through the city and came across a castle. He lived there. Then a red dot went into the green castle, and then the green castle glowed with green and red. One of the remaining guys in the hot air balloon said, "That looks bad." Then I looked down at the castle, zoomed in, and saw lots of little people streaming out of the castle and a loud voice boomed, "I have already won!" Then another guy said, "we need to find out a way to stop these knights." And then three people appeared; two guys and a girl. There was a package of crumbled cheese, a pound of cheese, and a really big rind of cheese. I rummaged through those and threw away the crumbled cheese and decided to use the pound of cheese and the really big rind of cheese for our weapons. And then one of the guys that were originally on the plane stuck his finger on a really hot rod, and his finger turned white. Then he went in another room and put his finger to the sky. His finger shone, and then he said, "This woman put in acne."

I was walking in a corridor, and I took off and started to fly, but I said, ops. I am not suposed to do this while here, and I landed. Then a man took a note about what I'd done. I was then in a room, and kissing two men! One black one white. Someone was taking photos. We were in water. There was a girl under water, and I helped her to the surface. Then some people turned into zombies. I killed them with a metal weapon, then went to the door, and barred the door, but the zombies were trying to get in. I killed a lot of them with my metal bar but they pushed their way in, and I ran to the stairs

I was hiding in a closet, I ran to it, to protect myself and my dog. I could hear the killer in the house. He found me, and I thought he would kill me right away so I did everything I could with words to tell him I would help him. I would help him do whatever he wanted to do. He then told me to follow him, and I did. He walks to the washroom of this house, and in the dream it feels as though this house is as familiar to me as my own. We walk there and I see a screwdriver on a counter. Before he realizes that I've found a weapon, I grab it, and stab it into his beefy back several times. He keeps staying alive for the first few stabs so I get to his neck and I could feel the bone through the screwdriver. He stops moving. He is dead. The other woman who almost got killed is saved because of this act. I walk to the bathroom and I am wearing a ballerina dress. My back is exposed. My back looks raw and bloody. I never knew I had this injury to my back because I felt no pain. There was a little girl also in a tutu, in the bathroom with me. A private bathroom with a mirror. I kept being ignored by a former classmate.

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