Falling down a waterfall in a boat with other people and crashing into the water but making it alive.
To see waterfalls in my dreams
Falling down a waterfall
Dead family member bring to a waterfall at the end of the rainbow
I am climbing up a steep mountain path in a forest, I am already very high up. Immediately on my left is a cliff that drops into a deep ravine, at the bottom is a wide lake, and on the other side is another cliff. There are two waterfalls pouring down cliff, vast waterfalls. I suddenly notice a shadow behind each suggesting caves. After I notice the caves, a giant ox comes out of the cave on the left, waterfall parting around it. Out of the cave on the right comes a giant dragon. I suddenly know that the dragon is going to eat the giant ox, but that it has eaten it over and over, so it must be reborn every day.
Snake passed from north to south in the Home and clean waterfall was looking continuously
Waterfall in a desert forest with a cat sitting by the end of the waterfall. The cat has a group of cats beside other cat. a girl looking with wide eyes then turn into a cat named silverleaf. Blood stained on the rocks from a battle and kill seven cats on the battle. Silverleaf roars to make peace with the other cats.
Seeing waterfall
Waterfall in a desert forest with a cat sitting by the end of the waterfall. The cat has a group of cats beside other cat