Understand My Dreams

Dreams wallet

I spent the first half of my dream organizing my room, which was split into two, my tv in the first half and a mirror/dresser in the second half against the far wall and my bed split between the two rooms so I could still see both tv and mirror. I spent what felt like hours in this dream organizing small items into a variety of spaces and confines within my room (which was red like my current room). Then I went to join my sister, her friend, and my friend as they had been drinking/partying during this time in what is my backyard in the dream. It was set up like a courtyard or a opening in the wood with just the tops of houses in the distance. They were busy setting up the area so my sisters friend could release her yellow bird from its cage, which looked like a goldfinch. When she released her goldfinch I was the first to see the eyes and outline of what turned out the be a lynx which traipsed in and snagged the goldfinch in his/her mouth and ran off into the wood, to return moments later when the lynx went to bite/snag my dog in his/her mouth as well, I then stepped on the lynx and captured it in a plastic bag where it continually clawed at my arms for hours as everyone insisted I release the lynx. My aunt and I insisted on bringing the lynx to the vet to discuss possibilities of releasing it in another area or euthanizing it (which is not a usual waking thought of mine). She gave me a wallet which was almost the size of a suitcase and i began sewing up the suitcase so the lynx could no longer scratch up my arms. We arrived at the vet parking lot where I knew the lynx had somehow released the goldfinch because I could hear it singing.

My dream began where I was sitting on my sofa when the bell rang. I opened the door to find Lisa Simpson, in a Girl Guide uniform, at my door, who asked me if I wanted to buy some cookies. Being a nice guy, I obliged and asked for three boxes. She said "So, OK, you want five boxes..." I was confused and said "No. I said I wanted three". Suddenly, she repeated, more forcefully this time, "You want FIVE boxes", before kicking me in the nuts and holding a knife to my throat, before repeating "You want five boxes. That'll be £102.50". I, scared out of my wits, nodded and gave her all the money in my wallet. She kicked me in the nuts again, said "Have a nice day" in a mocking tone and walked off, leaving me writhing in pain on my doorstep. I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am somewhat immature in personality and often ignore people when they try to remind me of the responsibilities of adulthood. I am also not conventionally handsome or in shape and do not partake in any particular "male" activities (e.g. I am not interested in sports). I am also somewhat awkward with the opposite sex. I used to watch the Simpsons when I was a child; Lisa was my favourite character. I am wondering of the significance of this. I only started having these dreams round about now, when people reminded me of my milestone birthday.

Upstairs in my house there were one bedroom where my husband and I slept my husband and I was made with each other but hr was in the bed with his head covered up, so I said that I needed to find somewhere else to live but I looked an found no where to go so I moved my stuff from the bedroom I shared to another bedroom across the hall, it was fully furnished also then three of my friends came over and I was telling them that I could not pay all these bills by myself my husband was not paying so I said I will give my husband half the rent and he will have to pay the other half. then I was siting on the porch and a man came up and start talking to me so I said my husbands inside he said I don't care , he want have you anyway. so one of my girl friends said what is going on so the man ask to speak privately the he pulled out his wallet and gave me twenty dollars and put it in my hand and left.then there was a lady washing and drying my clothes for me but some of my clothes was ruined, so I went into the laundry room and found dirty socks in the washer with sand water so I began to clean it out

I was at a amunsent park but it was staged at one of our local baseball fields but without the baseball diamonds I had no money and was by myself but there was tons of people I talked to some peers I knew and then my friend Jacob who is also my ex boyfriend but for some reason I wanted his money so bad because I was starving and for some reason there was a random dollar general and he asked me to watch his wallet I went to the store to by some beef jerkey but then something stopped me and I walked out the store to give him his wallet and talk

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