There are two tornados coming toward my girlfriend and I. A old lady points at them while holding a frisbee. we hide in a wardrobe inside a abandoned ranch. The setting is the plains.
Thousands of tornados were destroying the city's and rural areas and my x and her sisters are in the dream with many close encounters with the tornados were we get seperated and reunited several times.
Running from tornados and snakes
Tornados far away
Sitting in a destroyed house watching tornados
I dreamt 5 tornados appered out of nowhere and chased us
I dreamt 5 tornados appered out of nowhere and we ran to a house and they desrtroyed the house we were hiding in
Tornados and ligjtnining
I was on a beach with my first crush ever (from Kindergarden) and a huge tidal wave the height of a skyscraper was coming towards us. But it went over us and we somehow survived, and then there were like 50 tornados
I dreamt 5 tornados appered out of nowhere