Understand My Dreams

Dreams time

In my dream my school had to go to the other school and talk for some reason and it was my turn and I didn't know what to talk about so I just started cussing my ex out and saying how he got me in bed then when he was done kicked me out and how he cheated on me and stuff and hoe I knew about all the times and then I apologized to this one girl cause of something I did but then I went to this other girl who used to be my friend but she was a peice of shit an ddid some shitty things and i told her something and then I was telling this guy to break up w his girlfriend and get with me instead and i felt so bad and then i as talking to one of my friends that I found out my ex was cheating on me with before we were friends and i told her that he didnt deserve us an d some other things

Dream Interpreter AI Logo Dream Interpreter AI™ Interpret | Art | Map | Login Please login and verify your email to continue using Dream Interpreter AI Enter your email I would like to receive marketing updates from Dream Interpreter AI Submit 13/12/2023 I saw a girl who was sitting with what looked like other girls and she asked for my phone number and I agreed to give it to her and I was asked to put it on paper and afterwards we became close because I had my hand over her shoulder and after that I went to a shop from my hometown and I bought snacks and food for preparation for something and after that I checked for the time on my phone and it was 9pm something

I saw that my maternal uncle was working from home on his computer like everyday and my another uncle was there with me in the hall and after some time i tell him that there is someone in the room beside , then i see that there is a ghost that was going from one side of room to the another and then i told this to my uncle and told him to come and see this and when i was trying to see the ghost more closely he sees me and comes towards me and i ran till then he holded me and was trying to take me with him and i was saying to my uncle that i don't want to die please save me and i was saying this all while i was trying to hold my uncle's hand and one side of the bed in the hall

I was at an athletics meet and this crowd dancing formation thing happens where we are in lines, dancing and moving across the field. Then some lady tells me to tie my hair up and "where are your parents you need to tie that up" and i say no a few times and "what is the reason?". Then I go to my parents in the warmup area and my old friend's mum (I'm seeing the friend soon in real life) is there but she seems to ignore me a bit. I'm debating when to warm up. Suddenly I see a shop, two of my favourite jewellery shops mixed together and go in with mum but the stuff is all really bad and weird and expensive and it seems more like a reject shop. As I walk out I hear the lady speaking Indonesian to some man. When mum meets me outside she bought a baby with star eyes for $90 that the lady convinced her to buy so I express my disapproval of the baby and she returns it. Then I see my old taekwondo friend makayla and these two random girls tell me to follow them and I sit on the bench with them. They tell me this boy likes me and they saw my old coach and asked him about it. Then this police car smashes into the back of the chair, the chair is lifted up but we are all fine.

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