Understand My Dreams

Dreams taxi

Somebody stabbed me in the stomach.a friend of mine touched my breast. i kept searching for my boyfriend so that i could tell him about both the incidents, but he kept ignoring me and running away. i decided to go home. the taxi driver started doing various car stunts, and i was terrified. he stopped the car in the end, and i reached my school ground. there, a friend of mine was tailoring clothes for a small girl. that small girl was the daughter of the taxi driver.

I saw that I was walking in the street, at one time was big on other time through neighborhoods, and I was holding a sheet, I was trying to go to my sisters house but I was lost, taxis where passing but none stopped, I stopped in a mini market for information and the women gave me an unlimited card phone with 1000 credits, after I had a fight with 2 guys which I hit them pretty bad, but I did not cause it. After I saw that I was back in the Army, but the difference is that we were men and women together, not sleep together, I wake up and I try to go to the shower but they were full. and I had to make a shower. I manage to have a shower find my uniform and after I saw water and orange juice to be thown down an a women was laughing in my arms. After I was outside the barrier's at the camps back yard and I was kissing with Maddona (the singer} but she was wearing white, and she had short white/ blond hair. someone saw us and I start run to the camps croft's

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