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Dreams sigh

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I dreamt that i was at a supermarket rebranding a coco cola shelf when armed rubbers came into the supermarket.....i quickly fitted my self on the bottom shelf where I was working out of sight... As everybody who was in the supermarket were taken to the front and some shot dead.... A young lady tried to run but was shot just as she reached where i was hiding...as she fell to the floor her eyes wide open looking at me between the shelf....i wanted to scream but blocked my my mouth ...the guy passed by and i took a pic of his shoes....i sent an SOS to all my contacts... Texted my boss to let her know what was happening so she could call the police... The robbers escaped...but one stayed to see what was going on....the same one i took the pic of his shoes...i showed the pic to the police and he was arrested and led them to the rest of his friends

So the dream starts out with me and my group of friends in some sort of hotel/apartment thing. My ex girlfriend is also there who is part of our friend group (we both still have some feelings for each other). As I'm walking through the apartment/hotel room a kid who I don't know walks by telling me him and my ex girlfriend are going downstairs so I'm like why not I'll come. We come to an elevator, but while we are waiting I notice something strange start to happen to my ex gf. She started to morph into a girl version of her ex boyfriend before me who was a real douche bag, which understandably freaked me out a little bit. The dream then transferred to all of us on the elevator. FYI- me and 8 of my friends got stuck in an elevator at the Tropicana hotel in Atlantic City for 2 hours a week or 2 prior. Everybody seemed to know the deal, as if the elevator was going to drop. We all counted down 1, 2, 3, jump and we all jumped as the elevator plummeted down. When I jumped I also held onto a metal bar that was above me which kept me secure. Falling in the elevator created a huge sensation of adrenaline, like being on a rollercoster, but I was not scared just more of a rush. Somehow the elevator shot out of the shaft that it was falling and we hit the ground in a parking lot. After bouncing a couple times and a few big thuds we landed safely in a movie theater parking lot by my house. It was just me and my ex girlfriend now and we walked off as if nothing happened. She then asked me if I wanted to go to some bullying seminar with her, I then said yes, all you had to do was ask and we started walking together. Everything I look up tells me that falling and descending elevators are negative dream symbols although the dream didn't end negatively and I was not scared during the free fall as if I knew already what to do. Any insight to the meaning s of these dream symbols would be greatly appreciated and if any more background knowledge is needed I'm happy to oblige.

I had a dream you and I were at Walmart. Amanda was with us too for some reason. She acknowledged my presence but paid no mind to it. Like she understood we were spending time together. We were playing around with fake swords until you stopped and told me you didn't want to be around her. So you took my hand and we started walking fast through different aisles to lose sight of her. She was angrily calling you name, but we ignored her and kept walking fast and hiding to leave he building without her. It got to a point she was yelling Bobby and you were annoyed. The next panel of my dream, you, jess and dad, and I were going to a restaurant for dinner. I was seated next to you. Across from me was my dad and across from you was jess. We were enjoying our meal next to an open window until we realized guard trucks pulling up. They started to fill the parking lot. The lights went out. At that point, we understood something was wrong and the restaurant was on lock-down. We couldn't leave because authorities were looking for someone deadly. So for some reason, everyone in the building aren't at tables anymore, but laying on the floor wrapped in blankets. It's dark and for some reason the light near our window worked but we had to turn it off. You're holding me as we're laying on the floor in a blanket and we're just looking out the window watching the guards search for the person. It's raining outside and we're just waiting. I'm scared and we eventually see a shadow of a figure outside our window. (Which now for some reason has two boards forming an "x" over the window) You immediately get up and sneak out of the room we're all laying in the grab a gun. I'm afraid that the man is right outside our window and I crawl under a table with the blanket to hide. The man crashes through the boards and starts yelling "I'm going to kill you all now" He starts shooting at a bunch of people and I'm scared for my life hiding under a table. You sneak into the room and you're looking frantically for me to make sure I'm okay. You're trying to get a good shot at the guy and you find me. So you hurry over to me and hug me and tell me "it's okay. I'll protect you Mandy. I love you." Next panel, the situation is over. The building is a mess. There are bloodied bodies scattered across the floor and debris everywhere. I don't know what happened to the shooter. You were rocking me in your arms and I asked where my dad was. You told me he was killed and I started crying loudly in your arms. I don't know what happened to jess. Then I woke up.

I had a dream where in the beginning me and my mom were shopping at a store and she was looking at yarn and charms and we heard a man a few ales away shouting at a man and a woman. The mans shouting scared me but my mom seemed unaffected but alert in case of danger. after shopping we went to a hotel and we were on our way to the room we were going to stay in when we heard a man shouting again at someone. We stopped for a short time but we kept on moving to our room. When we got to the door to our room a skinny but fit man came out of his room and he looked like the man who was yelling in the store earlier. My mother opened the door and the man walked in between us and stopped in front of me. I tried to go around him and he kept blocking my way to the door. Then all of a sudden the man grabbed me and took me around the corner to a completely empty white room. I kept yelling and kept trying to make him let me go but he wouldn't let go. I yelled for my mom and thrashed and finally escaped his hold on me. I ran to the door of my hotel room and it was closed and my mother was no where in sight. I looked back and the man was right behind me so I kept running just to get away from him. I ran down several hallways and yelled for help but no one came to help me. when I looked back again he was bigger in more muscle but less agility. I ran from one wall and ran back knowing he couldn't keep up with my agility. The dream ends with me still running up and down the hallways away from the man.

I was at the doctors and I go into this room. Another doctor warns me about my doctor before I enter her office. Her office looks more like a lounge it's got a couch and a television. I'm not sick so I ask her why my dad sent me here. She looks down at the pile of cards with all her patients on them. My name is there and underneath it is says lesbian. She looks up at me and sighs and then just starts kicking and punching me repeatingly so I run from the run and she runs after me and I'n running around the hospital with this doctor kicking me and punching me as I go

I was in the city I wanted to work playing the role I always wanted to be, I went into a building, I didn't know yet why was I there, there were people outside, in the inside was a lobby and then in the back there was a penthouse flat, I was there with a friend and She told me to wait and hide because there was security, clueless I did it and we were caught and escorted out as I saw the love of my life walk in, Then I woke up but fell asleep again, I dreamed the same thing but this time I didn't followed my friend, I stood there in the sight and a receptionist approached to me and gave my car I apparently forgot and said welcome home, the flat were was I in was mine and I meet a produced and we talked a lot, then he said I was gonna meet a friend but I'll invite him here, I said okay and when he came I realized it was the love of my life.

Long table filled with people in church eating. every chair occupied. No end to table insight it goes beyond eyesight. the pastor was standing at head of table paying close attention to people eating. I was standing alone side the pastor observing, and thought to myself I need to be seated at table eating also. This dream then went from the church to the pastors home and repeated the same thing. in the pastors home I reach over on his bar in his kitchen and pulled one potato chip out a bag and I ate that one chip. end of dream.

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