I’m with my old best friends who I don’t talk to in real life at a supermarket either pregnant or just had a baby and I meet this guy where it is love at first sight but he leaves and I’m bummed but then he comes right back in and helps me go shopping but then becomes a little too possessive or controlling and gets mad that I wondered off and went to the bathroom without telling him or going with someone so I try to sneak away
Failing at work. Biting nails. Shopping
First I was working as a carer, I was in a cafe with my shopping and my milk leaked everywhere, then I was back at the place where I did caring when big Billy foned to say he wasn't dead he was stuck in Spain with a turkey on his face(told u it was weird)and he was all sunburnt then some lassie was taking me home when all my teeth started falling out....
I was planning my best friend's wedding. My friends and I were planning a trip to Pakistan to do all of the shopping. Then, it fast forwarded to a few days before the wedding where we were doing dance rehearsals. And it ended.
I was walking down a shopping centre/arcade with my fiancé. We'd noticed something had happened i.e. A thieft as we walked through we then noticed items falling, then realised there was gun men shooting. Everyone was in a panic and running. Some people where being shot. Then I woke up in a panic
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Tumble is a superb time and energy to go shopping for unique health and fitness workouts via your fitness center. Exercise classes usually follow a routine just like universities, and also the new sessions normally get started following summer season. Engaging in a class might be the best way to add some assortment for your exercise program.
Think about living on college campus although you may visit college near home. You will not only miss lots of things taking place, however you may possibly overlook the first ability to stay all on your own and make your own fiscal and sociable judgements. When you can potentially pay for it, live in a dorm.
Battle. Fantasy. Magic. Three-headed snake. Waiting to shower. Emotional hurt. Shopping mall. Large crowd. Waiting for a call
City. Shopping. Looking for clothes. With ex walking and holding hands. Kissings. Returning someone's possession to them. At a performance
I was shopping alone in a mall, I was in a black dress and black heels I ended running into a wall where a lady gave me a smile.
I had a lovely dream were I went sale shopping and I had bought me 4 new outfits but I had to borrow money to pay for them