I saw lord Krishna statue with closed eyes and his flute fell down
I saw lord Krishna with flute and cow in dream
I saw lord krishna eating butter in my dream
I saw lord krishna in my dream in adult form with the flute on the last page of an algebra book that i was looking at with the person i want to be best friends with
I saw lord krishna comming in my dreams and asking me to ask for any boon,and he will grant it.
I saw lord Krishna playing flute
I saw lord krishna playing with me
I saw Lord Krishna on his chariot in my dream
I saw lord krishna in my dream i was dressig my lord krishna idol in my dream nd we were abt to go for a competation
I saw lord krishna's idol was fallen on ground.i kept the idol in its place.i was dircted to lit akhanda dipa n i was searching for it.