I am on a dock and a fish jumps into my arms, it is dead. I throw it away, another fish jumps into my arms and I carry it around with me until it turns into a sausage dog August 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was at school, and the vending machines were filled with McDonald's. There was a big table beside it, with McDonald's breakfast items laid out on it. I grabbed a sausage and egg McMuffin and a bunch of Grade 8's started laughing at me. I went outside, and my classmates, Matt and Nick started throwing water bottles at me. I head back inside and my friend Gil and I wrote "I like pickles" on a Lightbright. The principle mistunderstood it and yelled at us. June 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My nipples kept growing like sausages so i had to continuously cut them with my hands April 04, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis