Dreamt of mupane worms falling from inside of rooftop on the bed and 8s every where but tried cleaning up the place
Roof is leaking during a rain and am collecting buckets to catch the warer opejing curtains so the dont get wet and Am thinking of repairing the roof.
Roof is leaking during a rain in the new house I’m planning to buy while staying with my two friends
Seeing dead Uncle on a trip and getting a ride in a white car with no roof
Sitting under a roof that is shaking
Roof is leaking during a rain in 2 spots and the water is clear. I'm not alone at this place but soon the leak stops
People fixing a damaged red office roof.
Dream of rain leaking through car roof and a passenger advise me to put plastic bag inside the car to prevent the water from dripping inside the car.
Someone sweeping my house roofing top
Roof is leaking during a rain storm. I suddenly worried where my daughter is