A dream about railroad tracks parallel to a road going uphill
Driving near the railroad tracks/subway.
Crossing railroad tracks
My parents sister and I decided to go for a car ride, but my mom refused to go at first. We stop at a railroad track and see toddlers playing on it. They didn't know a train was coming towards them. Suddenly the train turns into a marching band.
Walking on a railroad,then going down a hill in a forest,being attacked by a wolf,climbing the hill,getting to house,entering and locking the wolf behind a glass door
Walking on a railroad,then going down a hill in a forest,being attacked by a wolf,climbing back the hill,getting to house,entering and locking the wolf behind a glass door
I dreamt about a railroaded lofty trusty
There are two trains on one railroad track. They are both going in opposite directions but never crash.
In my dream I have to pass through what appeared to be a toll tower on a bridge. On one side of the bridge was a railroad with a train. There were "captains" inside the toll tower that allowed me to walk through the front door and out a side door. However, in the tower was a hatch in the wall that will take me to the same place as the side door, but it was a more difficult way to do so.
Passing through the side door, I found myself with three people. Two of them are currently living and one has died recently of suicide but still alive in the dream. The two currently living are the mother and sister of the other person. We ate dinner. Then the myself and the one who is actually dead began to walk. I could feel her behind me. I told her I love you like I always did on our walks before her suicide. Her response was mumbled at first, then clearly she said "Tears." I got a little mad hoping to hear I love you back like she always did. She then said "Why isn't that good enough for you?" Her face was beautiful, years younger. She was 45 when she died.
My parents, sister and I decided to go on a walk. I suggest we go for a drive but my mom refused. Eventually we are all in the car when we stop by the railroad track. There are toddlers playing on them and are unaware of the oncoming train. When the train is about to hit them, it turns into a marching band.