The world is ending and a rouge planet is about to crash in to the earth. I'm on another planet watching it happen. On earth it's all chaos and I can vividly see the entire planet ripping apart while all life on earth is slowly being sucked in to space. Time goes by and an older version of myself returns to earth to see what's left and all I can remember from the dream is crying and feeling alone. October 23, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
Moons in the sky at 4 am and I was confused the sky was blue then all of a sudden a plane comes swirling near our tree and then crashes right by the roundabout Mom Aki we’re sleeping in room and victor my ex was too and I just took a whole bunch of pictures and videos and showed you all like crazy. And then I showed mom and she said “ whole lot of death is near” I ran over to the plane and asked mom if I should call 911 and she said no don’t September 16, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was looking at everything through my own eyes as I would if I were awake but I was literally flying around our own solar system and I remember this very vividly because I actually reached out and touched one of Saturn's rings I found a friend along the way and we flew together around the other outer solar system planets Pluto included and then flew straight back to Earth and landed on her feet on a basketball court and then I woke up February 01, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream the humans suddenly realized we lived underground beneath them and they attacked us and flooded our tunnels with poison and it was terrible. I woke up from the dream very scared and told mom and she said not to worry it was only a dream. She said the humans will never realize we are here before we are ready to ascend and complete our conquest of the planet. Then I felt better but it seemed so real. July 05, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis