Understand My Dreams

Dreams pillow

Had another weird dream last night... It started with relief society we were all camping out in this building thing and it was around general conference and they told us to pick our spots and get ready to watch general conference with our spouses. Then I sat down on our air mattress that had a quilt on it feeling like we got the best spot . then the room filled up with everyone's families and water came in and started rising they said anyone who tries to swim up or anything will be stuffed. And it was like a worse death than actually drowning because they would shove like a pillow or material down your throat. And it was worse because it meant your soul wouldn't have access to anywhere else. Anyway, there was a few people that tried to swim up and someone threw a rock at them and knocked them out and they sunk again, when they did they landed in a auditorium chair. And we're viewing everything from the side. So there are rows of these chairs just like jn a movie theater and we can see everything as if youre next to it. I'm still sitting in the same spot. The water hasn't reached us yet for some reason but I told mike something definitely wasn't right. Then it turned out that this was a monthly event. Where families and couples were selected and had to participate. And considered it an honor. Some people drugged their kids to prevent them from floating up however instinctually the kids knew and so one girl she had a knife and cut through this body thing she was in to try and survive even though she was drugged. She could hardly move and just had a blank face. So the dad took the razr knife thing and threw it away from them. Then picked up her baby brother. And started peeling off his eyelid. The kid wasn't even bothered just uncomfortable I assume he was drugged too. Then mike stood up and said we still have to finish something before we participate that it was wish not that he agreed but it was the only thing they honored. What he told them was we had to finish remodelling our bathroom Lol. They let us know. Our house was like in this super clear lake like a little lake house surrounded by trees. Anyway he bathroom finished. Ppl came for us telling u we need to participate. Then something about these dolls who only have a limited lifespan as well to coincide with these regulations. It was sad and kinda creepy..

I walked into my house after getting a special invitation from my teacher to participate in a writing contest. After I walked in, the news immediately came on and talked about a guy using a little puppy as a body bag my removing all of its bones and using the bones as a pillow. Freaked out by this, I went to my room and saw a video game version of "Wheel of Fortune" on my bed. I shrugged and put it into my console. After the game loaded up I saw a wheel with one half consisting of buzz saws and the other half consisting of sharks. There were boarders separating them. The boarders then broke and a bunch of blood filled up the wheel until I woke up.

So I had this very long dream, quite vivid dream (I have been having them a lot lately), so I decided to put this up to get a rough idea what they might be about. Sorry in advance it this is long. I remember that I was in some kind of war school kind of thing. It was set in my school assembly hall (not sure why). I don't remember much from this, but I do remember we got yelled at a lot. When we were on our break, we were in a garden which looked like my nan and grandpa's garden in my home country. They called us in, but me and my friend (not sure who it was) were really, really late. When we entered they yelled at us. Then skip to a part where we were on the floor, I realised and said out loud, "Wait, this is a dream!" Being a person who has lucid dreams, I stood up and walked over to the main person who was there. I said something along the lines of, "go away, leave us alone". (This is a new lucid dream technique I'm trying out, instead of thinking for something to happen, I say it out loud, it works). Then the scene shifted and I was by my house (in my current country) with my good friend, let's call her Hayley since I don't want to give away her actual name. I said that I really want to travel and she said she wants to aswell. I then changed my hands and legs to wings and flew above the ground. Hayley smiled and did the same. I didn't know she could do it too, so I was pleasantly surprised. We both then flew to some flats. We landed on the roof of one and were now in my home country again, eventhough we only flew for a little while. The roof had a window, so we went in through it, because I saw three of my friends that live in my home country. We talked about something, and we were about to fly out of a side window when I saw teachers from my current country in my home country. So we climbed out of the rooftop window again. Then the scene changed again and we were at a really serif airport. It was only small but open, and was right next to a park. I know I was with a few members of my family. I am not sure if Hayley way there at this point. I THINK I summoned a small plane because when it turned up my mum said that it's too small and I said that that's the best I can do (in a jokey way). However when we were about to get on, you could only see a bed (sheets were blue with white pillows), which I'm guessing is what was in the plane. I was confused on the dream about that. Then we didn't end up boarding yet as it was too small for all of us. I saw a plane fall (they were really small planes, and kinda looked 2D, like a sorta 3D model of what you would see in a cartoon. I offered to help the people get it up but they said to and lifted it. Then another fell and I said something along the lines of, "come up, come on," and clicked my fingers. The plane lifted up and the 2 guys were staring at me. I walked away with a smile. Then I saw people with guns and in black clothes. I wanted to get their attention but didn't know their names, so I called out a random name and they turned around. I went right up to them and told them to leave and that no one wants them there. I think they were close to shooting me, and weren't disappearing, so I closed my eyes and concentrated. I told them to leave again and this time they all went apart from 1 or 2. I went up to them and said the same thing, but they didn't go. One was aiming his gun at me so I grabbed another gun and shot at him. He turned and ran and I shot at his but again. The other disappeared. Then I turned around and said something along the lines of, "of to California," to my family (California is not my home country or current country). At some point in the dream, not sure when, I was in my bedroom (current country) with a person (I don't know who it was). There were 3 guns. One in his/her hands, one in my hands, and one on the bed. I aimed at them but they grabbed the gun, but before they could shoot me, I got the one on the bed and shot at them.

I was at a friends house then got on the bed with a bunch of pillows and he told me not to get on the bed and then we were outside and I seen a dog and he told the dog to turn into a piece of gum.. of I walk down the street to see my car the right door was opened by itself and then the left doors open the dog came running towards the car to jump in the trunk where there was a helmet with some glass in it when I got in the car the car completely turn around and repositioned itself

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