I felt like I was dying It felt like I was paralyzed on one side and then I couldn't breathe I called for my mom but she couldn't understand that I was saying I couldn't breathe
Of a sprout growing out of my left of my paralyzed big toe
I was in a building doing a painting and sketch contest I won and got beaten up and got a concussion on a buss getting flirted with he was on me and I got pushed off a tall subject and land on head paralyzed for 10 min and got up with dizziness and got to a seat and I died
I was in a building doing a painting and sketch contest I won and got bet up and got a concussion on a buss getting flirted with he was on me and I got pushed off a tall subject and land on head paralyzed for 10 min and got up with dizziness and got to a seat and I died
I had a dream I was spinning. I wanted to move so I could stop spinning, but I felt paralyzed and couldn't move. The spinning got so intense it felt like my heatbeat was going through my back and I tried getting up or moving and I couldn't. I thought I was going to die and almost felt to give up trying to wake up and move. One last try and got myself out of dreaming.
Parents and family were being killed and i tried screaming and yelling or trying to help kill the murder but i was paralyzed and couldn't move. I felt invisible to everyone, because i was already dead so i was a ghost.
I was in a family. There was something wrong with us. We could only speak with certain family members at a time. If we spoke with another family member another one would go ballistic. We were talking about going to the CDC. The mother was the worst. The father got tranquilizers and he told me I had to hold her down. As we started to go down to the basement she knew what I was doing. As I jumped on her she burned me in the armpit with her cigarette. The father jabbed her with the first needle in her neck with something yellow. Then in her hand with something red. Then her forehead with something purple. She was paralyzed and we shoved her into a container and run up the basement and slammed the door. Then I woke up.
My mind is awake and body is paralyzed i am trying to yell for help but really am not speaking
I was awake during my dream and couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't stop myself from spinning and thought I was going to die because I was awake but I coud not move.