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Dreams orphan

Found 27 dreams containing orphan - Page 3

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I had this dream that my dad died from a disease. Which caused my mom to drop into depression! She told me and my little brother, who's only 3, to come along with her and drown together. Right then and there, I didn't really know what to do. But I just tag along. So right now the 3 of us are between this gap, we were under a house, and it was full of water. I don't remember but...it felt as if my dad was also there floating in the water with us. So anyway...my mom told us to duck our head under the water together. And well...we all did but I was holding my little brother above water so...ya. But I was like "Heck no am I dying! I'm still too young!!" so I pull my head out of the water and right there infront of my eyes....my mom already died. Her face and body floating in the water, facing down. I thought she was just fooling around but until I noticed that she couldn't hold her breathe for very long. Then it came to me...she...really drown herself! Me in the dream...I was shock or sad or anything. The first thing that popped into my mind was to get me and my little brother outta here. So I made my way to the gap that still shoots out sunlight. I pull my little brother out of the water and out the gap he goes. I didn't saw his expression about what happened to our mom. Then I hual myself outta there. Yet...I was afraid of my mother's death...afraid that I didn't drown with her along with my little brother. Afraid that her spirit with haunt me forever... Anyway...once I got out. The scene quickly switch. Me and my little brother were back at our previous old house before we moved. And we were orphans. I had to take care of him but I didn't remember going to work or anything. I was also sad and at loss cause...in my dreams and real life, my dad promised me that he'll teach me how to drive. But like in the dream he passed away from a disease. So....my heart ache. And now it's just me and my little brother. I just finished giving him a shower and he needs to put his clothes on. But instead...he ran outside NAKED. And me...well...I chased after him until I lost sight of him. I ran around the neighborhood calling out for his name. And when I heard a child's voice I thought it might be him! But it was someone's else's child. Then at the distance, there he was. Playing and kicking a ball! I ran after that shit, calling out his name. Then I quickly realize...why is he running so fast that I can't barely catch up?! I was like DAFUQ?! He's only 3!!! So I decided to sprint. To tell the truth...I was losing stamia. =_=; I closed my eyes and chases him down like a blood hound. When I opened them again, I was getting closer to him. So I did it again and I got closer! Then I started losing my breathe again....FASTFORWARD. I woke up.

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