Understand My Dreams

Dreams on the ground

It was dark. Couldn't see anything in front of me. Suddenly I was in a room I've never been in. The only light source what seemed like moonlight shining in. There was a person inside the room with me. I realized that it was myself, but a demonic version of me. Black eyes and a mischievous smile. I was suddenly on the ground with demonic me standing over me. I got almost like a drowning sensation as I looked up at him. He said something to me, but I can't remember what.

I had a dream that my boyfriend who is in jail got out of jail. I was on the phone with his mother and she told me to come over and he was there. I saw him sitting there and I “passed out”. Then I just laid on the ground because I was so afraid to hug him since it has been 5 years and things are different. Then we went to his old neighborhood and hung with his friends outside but I never touched him not once. I was afraid to touch him and I was more so upset because he never called me to tell me he was home. Everything felt weird and like it was a new relationship. A lot of the time we weren’t around each other because he was trying to find a job or do something else. But it felt like he was avoiding me and I was so hurt.

I was in a dark room. No light, no sound, no nothing. Silence. A small little light turned on. I saw myself walking towards the edge of the room, towards it. Suddenly, I walked off the edge. I fell but I didn’t hit the ground. I just kept falling, screaming, but no sound came out. Then, the room did a somersault, and I saw myself on the ground. Suddenly, the room lit up. Grandma was standing next to me. An eerie whirring noise, like you would hear in those Alien-Invasion movies, filled my ears as she walked towards me, reaching out. Poof! She touched me, and disappeared into a cloud of dust. “Grandma!” I screamed, but only me hearing it. The room kept spinning, and everything went completely white.

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