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Dreams octopus

Found 40 dreams containing octopus - Page 3

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First off I was some guy who used to be in a relationship with an octopus/human mutant. I lived in a house the size of a dog house and one night mutant thing rang the doorbell. I let him in which I found out to be a mistake later. I was tackled and had suckers all over me while it went on about how I should be his again and he kept trying to get in my pants. I eventually got him out and locked the door back. Everynight he'd come back and sometimes I had so much noise that it'd wake me up and I'd lock the door and others didn't so he was able to drag me outside and try to get into my pants again. This happened multiple nights in a row so I simply didn't sleep. One night I decided I had enough of him groping me so I shoved him off and started running. I had ran before but he always gotten ahold of me. So this time I didn't run down the road like usual but cut through a park and then the road. I was able to keep away from it for a long time then it caught up with me. I killed it and it fell down and started to try to hit me with it's arm while holding a purple triangular flag. So I went around it and continued running. I eventually crossed a white line and met people who were my family in the dream and they told me I looked tired. I told them that my ex was being a stalker and told them what he'd been doing. And that's when I woke up.

I had a dream where my sister and I were in my bedroom looking at a ceiling and there was a flying octopus insect in the corner between my bed and the window (in real life I have a high ceiling that comes to a point in the middle, but in the dream I had a normal flat one). The bug flew around my room and we tried to catch it, only to notice pee all over the ceiling. Then a rat stuck it's head through a little hole while another rat climbed up a different hole. They got ceiling shavings all over my bed.

This is a reoccurring dream. I am at an amusement park but there is only one ride. The ride is a combination of a roller coaster and a water slide. The ride is located on a long, windy road near Atkins Farm in Amherst. I can tell exactly where the park is located (at the huge gravel mill) but I have never been there before. I am about to go on this ride but something stops me every time. Once the ride gets going I look up and all the people I care about the most are on the ride, my friends, my family etc. Then out of nowhere this huge octopus comes on to the ride. It is going to eat everyone whole and kill them right in front of me. Everyone else at the park is trying to stop the ride and get the octopus out of there but the only people who know how to save everyone are me and my boyfriend , who is a different person every time I have the dream and every time I have NO clue who he is. I get on to the ride to try and save my friends and family but the octopus starts attacking me. My boyfriend saves me but the dream always ends before I know what the fate of my loved ones is.

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