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I had a super power that i was able to shoot webs from my wrists, like spider-man.and i was swinging around Sioux Lookout. The people of the town didn't like picking up my webbing when i would use them and they wanted to me to leave. They mobbed my house and did everything they could to get me to leave,but i wouldn't then they wanted to kill me and then they killed me
I was in the car with my boyfriend and I got out to make a call. Next thing he was gone and suddenly I had no mobile to contact him and I couldn't find him anywhere.
The air, then part of the sky get burned. A young lady is sent to take me to remand in police station and on the way realize I have forgotten to take my mobile phone with me and come back to take it but cannot find it . I meet my wife and tell her that I am in problem and need her help. she tells me she has never seen some one jailed because of possessing a gun. Then I wake up before seeing the end of dream
Dreamed of a snake but it looked like a worm and 2 eggs. I was transporting them. The next thing was I was at a mall with my current manager and another employee. Then I saw my women's group doing a flashmob dance routine.
I dreamt I hurt my knee, next minute I'm in a hospital with my dog and found out they drugged my dog and it was more of a mental hospital than normal one. My dog was drugged, and they took my mobile phone off of me and I had a tracker device
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