A pig covered in eggs and milk, stairs, castle, people, spill, drain, food, ruined, blender, slop, December 19, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a wharehouse with my friends and had to drink a lot of milk. I accidentally drank some before I was supposed to then was told to fill it back up with water. The. I was being chased by someone with a bee but it ended up ringing me and the sting didn’t hurt but taking it out hurt October 29, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was standing by my brothers grave. This was in January. I was looking for my marker beside him. I looked at the end where his feet would be and saw a baby bottle full of milk. I turned away an looked again and saw 2 baby bottles 1was. Espy and 1 was full of milk. It woke me up. February 16, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
A tall dark red fiery dragon frying a milkman with his milk delivery bicycle cart February 11, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
First I was working as a carer, I was in a cafe with my shopping and my milk leaked everywhere, then I was back at the place where I did caring when big Billy foned to say he wasn't dead he was stuck in Spain with a turkey on his face(told u it was weird)and he was all sunburnt then some lassie was taking me home when all my teeth started falling out.... December 22, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was celebrating someones birthday and making a cake. My mom said we didn't have any frosting. I said we could make the frosting because we had sour cream and milk in the refrigerator. April 23, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Oh my gosh in another part of my dream there was a drinks machine that served only water and milk but I couldn’t get it to just serve water. It would run milk when you first push the lever and then turn to water after a few seconds but if you accidentally let go of the lever and repush it, it goes back to milk so I kept getting a mix of milk and water which I didn’t want. So I changed the setting to a higher one for just milk bc if I’m gonna get milk might as well just get milk but it was going so fast that it was churning butter into my cup. So I never got a drink December 28, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis