Eating locust beans in a dream
Dog becomes anubis pink locust epic quest
I had a dream that a friend was being attacked by a bunch of guys in a parking lot on Locust Ave so I helped you ward off the attackers. We went back to your apartment to catch up and that's when you told me you were an undercover agent and shot me as I tumbled down a flight of stairs
I had a dream that you were being attacked by a bunch of guys in a parking lot on Locust Ave so I helped you ward off the attackers. We went back to your apartment to catch up and that's when you told me you were an undercover agent and shot me as I tumbled down a flight of stairs.
There was a grasshopper body and a locust face and it was a giant bug and ants were eating it’s face. The bug could only move it’s head. It was immobilized. It looked like it was in desperation to survive. It looked thirsty so when I went to pour water on it’s face to wash the ants off, the ants still clung to its face and its mouth expanded to a huge size and the water wouldn’t go on its face. The water was going in its mouth and it was drowning. It started choking and that’s when I woke up.
I dream i was sent to buy locust beans.
You were being attacked by a bunch of guys in a parking lot on Locust Ave so I helped you ward off the attackers. We went back to your apartment to catch up and that's when you told me you were an undercover agent and shot me as I tumbled down a flight of stairs.
See a pink locust, eaten by locusts, pulled apart by hands, suffocated
I only saw locust beans in d dream
I dream of eating been given locust beans