I had a dream about june flares 2012
I had a dream about june the first
I dreamed on june seventh
I dreamt about june solstice a powerful day for contemplation and creation
I dreamed on june six nineteen fourty nine
I dreamed on eigth of june secret
I dreamt about counting of the omer on june fifteenth two thousand eleven
I dreamt that I was standing by a house which was so close to a clear running water stream. Then when I turned around I saw my daughter her son & husband playing football on a patch of grass, then my wife & I were due to go on holiday & we had planned to leave our dog with our son but before we were due to leave my son phoned us and told us he couldnt have the dog as he was being taken into hospital so we were trying so hard to find a kennel for the dog to go to but we could not find one that we were both happy with. This all happens between the 25 June and 20 August.
I had a dream about barack june 2012 sea
I had a dream about solstice baby june twenty first nineteen eighty two