I was at my college buying a history book but never opened it. I went home and turned on the TV and the show Paranormal State was on. I tried to change it but somehow I was glued to it. It was showing a very creepy castle looking place on top of a hill. You can tell that it was somewhere in Europe. Somehow I magically appeared there and I was in the arms of Jesus Christ. He was holding me as he was nailed to the cross. He had a huge wooden stake in his head and was trying to escape. Him and I were talking about life and I told him I will help him escape. I asked him to put me down so I can help him. The cross and him was so close to the ground that he could sit down. I helped him escape but he started to die. He died in my arms. September 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My mom took me to the doctor and he told me I was so sick that there was no point in me living. He gave me a cyanide pill and told me to swallow it. He said that it would kill me in exactly 12 seconds. He wanted me to take it then, but my mom convinced him to let us wait a bit so I could say bye to people. The doctor also told us that the pill would give me intense stomach pains before I died and I didn't want that. So we spent a long time trying to find a way to prevent that from happening. The rest of the day I said goodbye to people, and did a lot of crying. I also kept Jesus Christ in my mind, thinking about what it would be like to see him so soon. In real life, I finally repented and stopped doing a certain sin, so in my dream I felt almost happy, like I had no regrets and was so excited to see my Lord and Savior. I woke up before I ever took the pill. August 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw that I am in place where the floor is covered with ice and it is smooth. I saw Jesus Christ & Dalai Lama standing close to each other. Jesus Christ was wearing a saffron color robe with a reddish orange shawl. I saw them and went to Jesus Christ and hugged Him. Dalai Lama was smiling at me. The background of this place were ice covered mountains. Jesus Christ showed me a pond and Lord Krishna was sitting by the pond. I went to Lord Krishna and bend my head to touch his feet for blessings. His feet was under the water. Despite touching his feet which was under the water, I did not get wet. By then Jesus Christ & Dalai Lama disappeared in the sky. Lord Krishna looked at me and smiled. I also smiled back to him. Then my body changed into a tiny spot which got merged into Lord Krishna's heart. July 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed i was at church and was getting ready to sing on the praise team to start service i looked at the altar and there were some toys on the altar a doll baby a toy truc and another kind of toy i saw some kids playing but went to take there seats but they left the toys on the altar so i picked them up and put them in the rightful place i looked up and i saw a platform up above the altar and below on the floor is where the three microphones stand that we use to sing into there were a lot of congregation there in the audience and there were children also present then i went to the bathroom and i met with a youg lady i worked with a while ago and she began to tell me about her changing her life and bein born agein into jesus christ and she was with someone out of town June 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that i saw jesus christ , walking away in the sky and he was above a church, wearing a sky blue gown. May 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis