I was stranded on an island with my wife but I was having relations with a young hot girl. February 22, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
We are in a car. The car breaksdown. There's an old mechanic shop and they fix it. While that is happening there's this lake with an island and people walk on the water to get to the island. Out of no where this figure comes. It runs across the lake and I realize it's a moose. The moose sees me and runs at me I think it's cute but then I'm intimidated and the moose chases me until I realize he's sweet. Then we walk into the sun with him holding my hand in his mouth. January 25, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
We were stuck in an island and I went off to go poop in the place we had designated for poop and then I stepped in poop. People were watching me and I got chased July 16, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I went to find the cover of a movie and it started off normal with my dad and i turning into a complex off the street to find a cover. The complex then turned into a deserted area with 2 shacks and a pumpkin. We went into the larger shack and it was a haunted house. I don't know why i went in because i hate everything horror. We got until level 6. Level 6 contained a bear cub. He was lying in the middle of the floor. To get pass the level we had to step over the bear cub. But i knew that with a bear cub comes a mama bear. We ran when the mama bear popped out. My dad and I headed to the smaller shack. It had a sign on the front that read "Mr. Magnum's Movies." We entered and the room was very small. The floor was dirt and there were a set of stairs leading to a second landing. You could see the second landing clearly because it was only a couple of stairs up. On the second landing was an old desk with a very old man sitting at the desk. We asked him if he had the cover of the movie we had and he spoke into a microphone. His voice was barely a whisper we couldn't hear him. He told us that Mrs Natalie had it. He told us to go to the pumpkin outside of the shack and knock and enter. I was the only person who could fit so my dad didn't go in. I knocked on the pumpkin and then entered. It was small so i had to crawl. A lady with crazy, curly, brown hair popped out of the ground and told me to come down. I looked down the hole and found that i had to drop. I dropped into a hovel. It was all dirt and nothing else. She handed me the cover and i climbed out of the hole. When i got out my dad was nowhere to be found and the area had flooded. There was a boat so i hopped on it. It brought me across the water onto a large island and then it crashed. I was in a forest on the island because the ship crashed and i fell off. I heard crying. I followed it and saw 2 babies that were twins and a boy and girl that were 14 years old. The boy was blonde with brown eyes. His name was Evan. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Hannah. The 4 kids were siblings. We walked back to the cliff where you could overlook the water. A couple of days passed and a rescue team came but only dropped off a large table and chairs. A couple dressers and a desk. We set them up and 4 laptops were put on the desk as well. A kitchen magically appeared to the side of the table facing the water. A brown haired, brown eyed boy who was tall and strong appeared one day and became best friends with Evan. I was at the desk one day doing work when Evan came over to me and asked me if i liked Alex. Alex was sitting right there listening so i said "Are you serious?" Then i walked over to Alex put both of my hands on his cheeks and tried to turn his head to Evan. I then said "I mean look at his nose." Alex then said "Whoa, slow down. I've only known you a couple days." The boys then laughed about it. There was a path off to the side and i saw 3 girls from my school walking down it. I wasn't really friends with them but i told them that the boys were annoying me. The next day i was working on the laptop again and i smelt something good. I looked back at the kitchen and saw Alex cooking. But i saw 2 girls in white bikinis stroking his arm and resting their head on his shoulders. I felt really sad and my face fell because i did like him. July 27, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Friend sailing away one by one while I'm stuck on an island alone. February 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams about friend sailing away one by one while i'm stuck on an island February 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Getting ready for a mini gathering with Pepper, Hanna, Linda Overslept? Supposed to meet them at 11:00am but woke up at 11:07am Went to Giant to shop for brunch items Run into Hanna and Linda I've prepared chicken and waffles I want to get something else. Linda suggests I get blueberries too I drive over to the park and it's now a Starbucks employees gathering. On a pier of some sort. Looking over a beautiful lake. With a ropes course and mini islands. I get worried because I don't know how to swim. I'm with Von and Frankee? Von is so cool. She's dressed in blue button up and khakis. Everyone is. I'm wearing chambray top and black pants. Will that be ok? Von wants to swim and do a ropes course. Gets really excited. But then mentions she's on her period and can't. I'm next to a Hispanic guy. Then BlackCindy from the tv show, "Orang is the New Black" appears with a huge duffel bag. I hold the bag for her. She sits next to me on wooden bench. She's so funny. Then next to me is... white guy, so familiar. Dax Shepherd. We start talking. I mention how I haven't had sex since I got married. I tell him not to get married. We talk about the TV show, "How I Met Your Mother." He starts flirting with me. Selena Gomez comes in. Crying. Everyone rushes over to her. I give her a tissue but she throws it away and gives me a dirty look. I don't take it personally. February 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex boyfriend 's best friend sent me a text about college and then I stood up and went to my sister's room and smoke a cigarett. Next I was in some game where I had to match the size of ice and it was dark. When I won, me and my two friends were chased by tongues and we had to jump off a ship to get to a boat. Another boat was coming my way so I ended up choking a little. I asked a guy who saved us to paint me because he is an artist and I got to an island. I climbed to the gate, which i opened and i saw a garden of vegetables. I started walking toward the other side and all the people were staring at me. next i was in a house and i exited to see a large amount of cats. I started searching for my rabbit and found a white one, and then mine. my rabbit killed a cat. November 26, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my boyfriend committed suicide on an island October 11, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Was getting ready to go on a boat to a party on a tropical island. It was a sunny day and the ocean was calm and blue. September 19, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis