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Dreams imps

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Having suspected a spy following Krsto, our two lovers arrived and left the public park separately. Zsusanna was there to see Krsto more than the play. It was a very humorous play. One of the actors, Romero, plays a man with a bushy beard and stood there holding his hand in triumph as people laughed. Zsusanna realized she knew so few people in that area. She had only Krsto’s circle of friends: a man in in very stylish suede boots, a woman whose voice narrated the story; a woman whose only voice was the melodic tunes of her lyre, and a bewitching siren, Krsto’s cousin. Bewitched by her lover behind stage, she also did not know that she, indeed, was being watched, or that he had caught a glimpse of someone stirring on the sides. Igor wore common clothing to blend with the townspeople, with a hat tilted to a side, and a patch to cover an eye. He hadn’t shaven in over a week to play the part as well. Jealous of Zsusanna’s presence in Edour’s life had become a hinderance for Istven’s aspiring role in the Protestant Reform, and in the next generation’s attempt to rebuild a country free of foreign rule. More so, he was wary of this woman who appeared from an outer circle, who was as equally educated, if not, more so than himself. What was an extraordinary woman doing being wed to a man who had no interest in women? More so, why did Jankovic agree to this farce? “Ugggggg,” as twisted pain seeped through his blood, and the sound of breaking bones, Igor could feel the point of a dagger piercing into the hairs of his neck. “I suggest you take your traitor self back to the Hungarian shit that spawned you. Get off this peninsula, and never show your face again.” “I am free to…” “You are not free to do anything.” and the crunch of a twisted wrist sent him off as two burly men in dark capes took him into a carriage, riding away, as Zsusanna felt desire dripping beneath her skirts. Istven had the scent of Ocean air about him; clean and light. He sat eating nuts and apricots as lightening lit the sky and the rumble of thunder approached. In his presence I am a ship battling a storm, wandering aimlessly. Sex is not okay with Istven. He has confusion around relationships. “What happened to you,” Zhusanna asked as she spotted Igor curdled in a chair by the window, unable to hold a book or turn its pages with bandaged hand and fingers on both sides. It was all he could do but spit at her. Marija found the encouragement to break the silence. “He no doubt wondered where he shouldn’t.” “I trust my cousin played the searing siren to perfection?” “The Adriatic would be, indeed, pleased!” “As your grandfather, as well.” Igor mentions to Zsusanna who looked bewildered at him. “Any sea-faring pirate of Senj would defend such a treasure!” Zsusanna mocked back, “But you wouldn’t know of such lust, Igor.” A bit of tension was building in the room. Zsusanna was not oblivious of Marija’s eye for Istven. She would just happen to appear outside his door in Reijeka or at the piazza, always appropriately placed five feet behind brother Antun or conniving Igor. Antun had studied law at university with Igor and Istven, together, in Austria. Marija was a woman, devious and determined, to get what she wanted. What she wanted was entitlement and Istven was the source for this wanna-a-be. Her dear husband Zoran, an unlucky man once the vows of marriage bound them, sweet, giving, and oblivious to the Upper Hungarian dragons, claiming loss to the Frankopan fortunes when ….was slain with my uncle and grandfather. One of thousands of noble widows dispersed without claims depending on beguiling ways of sanctity. 1693 carriage scene 2 hrs 1693 krsto and who he is 1693 Zsuzana AND ISTVEN BEGIN AFFAIR 1693 MARI POISONS HUSBAND ZORON SAVROVIC, AGE 31, 1693 TRUTH REVEALED KRSTO

The room is in a large historical grand basilica style building. The room has huge columns holding up high cathedral domed ceilings. The room has no furniture. The room’s only natural light source came in through many windows and open doorways to semi-dimly light the room. I was being judged unfairly because the 3 white people did not give me a chance to defend myself to the 1 white person they were speaking to. It’s daytime, I entered a room and see 3 casually dressed white people (1 female, 2 males) I did not recognize life in real but supposedly knew in the dream. In the dream, the 3 white people knew me. The 2 (1 female, 1 male) of the 3 white people were standing talking negatively about me as if they were trying to discredit me unfairly (because I was not given a chance to understand what is being said against me and not given a chance to defend myself) to another white person (1 male who he did not know me and seemed neutral) who is dressed in a standard government military attire. He is a person having authority (but acted as an ambassador or a guide in his position). I felt the need to be given a chance to be heard and to be understood instead of left to feel wrongfully accused of something I was not even given a chance to understand in this dream to have caused the 2 white people not to like me. In frustration to understand the situation and resolve it, I attempted to approach the group of white people. I am outside in the desert standing in a crowd of white people during the day. The entire nation is in danger and all people are trying to escape. I am in the crowd trying to investigate what is causing the danger and to try to find out why everyone are rushing and panicking to leave and where. Massive amounts of white people rushing to secure a spot in any of the two separate lines to enter checkpoint to the departure gateways. Looking up from below a nearby staircase, I again see 2 of the white people who do not like me. The 2 white people look at me (It was at this point in the dream I realized in real that I’ve been involved in a series of this particular dream. They urgently followed the white person with authority who led them to walk through a solid rock wall similar to the Jerusalem walls. Their bodies passed through a solid rock wall. I later discover the wall is separated in 4 consecutive sections and appear to be solid rock. However, each block is embossed with an arched border framing a secret portal. The portals are not obvious because there were no visible physical door to open. I ran up the top ridge of an inclined wall where there was a wide (about 10 foot wide), flat, and clean path with a clean brushed steel railing I did not use along the path. When I arrived at my destination, I rushed up to the 1st solid rock portal I saw from my left standing in front of me. Without doubt and without hesitation, I easily walked through the solid rock wall with confidence and urgency to seek for answers and explore. The experience if walking through solid wall was the same as walking without obstruction. In my urgency to enter, I was able to glimpse a posted note written on a blue lined white paper like a piece of paper torn from spiral bounded notebook. The note was pinned on the rock wall with a red push pin tack. The note stated that particular portal next departure will leave at 10:31. The note was clearly understood by me that whoever enters this particular portal would have to wait until being transported from inside the portal. Within the few seconds that I spent inside the portal, I realized the size inside the portal was more of a comfortable pod size. I understood the portal holding morphs into a comfortable standing space of the passenger. From within this portal, I understood the portal is meant to transport 1 person at a time to a destination away from Earth –a destination that is at least neutral or safer than the definite annihilation of good humanity that will happen for those who stay behind who will be devoured by evil conquest. I quickly decided to leave this particular portal to try to enter any of the other 3 portals that have no delays in transport because I was eager to investigate the situation and also try to find out where the 2 white people went with that 1 white person who appeared to have authority. I walked out of the initial portal of the solid rock wall. I was going to enter the portal right next to it (the 2nd from my left facing the rock wall), but I thought there is a higher chance someone is already in it, so I chose to try to enter the 3rd portal door from my left which was a few more steps away and because of this reason could have a higher chance of it being unoccupied. I rushed toward it but just as I was about to enter, I woke up in real life.

Ballsiest,Last week, is the first thing you notice about it. but it might be possible overseas when you have first dibs on hot new companies in countries with fledging capital markets. Florida on Aug. along with other tasty offerings from Narragansett." strays into purple prose and strained analogies But the premise is strong the work appealing and the juxtapositions telling Particularly impressive is the success with which the curators elucidate the "no" the work that failed to meet the artists standards In most cases the artist would hide this but Close has allowed some of his rejected work to be seen in multiple iterations which is fascinatingAnd it is Close who emerges as the most provocative of the three major artists represented Closes work has long focused on the dispassionate geography of the human face the surface data of unsentimental portraiture At Crown Point he has experimented with particularly difficult technical challenges the creation of a large-scale mezzotint from a black-and-white head shot of a man named "Keith" and the use of woodblock printing to replicate a watercolor of a woman named "Leslie" Closes wife at the time In another project based on a self-portrait he attempts to collage together different images that represent stages in the three-color separation process of printingIn his painted work Close has meticulously built up photo-realist images by layering red blue and then yellow until a fully colored work emerges thus replicating the separation process of color printing In some of his printed work he attempts to highlight the wonderful absurdity and virtuosity of this meticulous process of photo-realist painting allowing the various stages of color separation to commingle with patches of red blue and purple or a collaged and lurid riot of different prints that bring brilliant yellows and greens and blues into painful proximity we will be the first to call for a full restoration of U. We should move urgently to deepen our engagement with the Egyptian people on this basis.“I’m not good at math,an IRS official being bad at math! —and wound up punctuating what was a torturous response to the A skeptical press corps peppered Lerner with questions many of which she and her staff were unable or unwilling to answerA sampling:1 IRS officials claimed that there was no political bias behind the targeting of these conservative groups but they failed to produce any examples of similar targeting of groups with non-conservative-sounding names Initially they suggested that other non-conservative-sounding names might have been targeted By the end of the call though Lerner acknowledged: “I only said that because I never like to say ‘absolutely not’ I don’t have any information on that”2 Lerner wouldn’t say whether anyone is being disciplined then appeared to say there was no disciplinary action then went back to saying she wouldn’t comment Federal personnel rules appear to prohibit Lerner from discussing discipline so she has some justification for not commenting But that justification was never explained and instead she was pressed repeatedly on why she wouldn’t discuss discipline3 Lerner said she disclosed the information because someone asked her about it Friday morning —indicating that she had no plans to release the information publicly despite the confirmed wrongdoing4 When asked how they found out about the wrongdoing Lerner said the investigation stemmed from media reports about conservative groups claiming that they were targeted not from any internal review5 Lerner and her staff tried to get off the phone call after less than half an hour of questioning but Columbia Journalism Review reporter (and Pulitzer Prize winner) David Cay Johnston informed them that they had better stay and answer everyone’s questions They stayed on the call for another 20 minutes By the end they said Lerner had to get to some appointments and cited the “repetitive” line of questioning Johnston informed them that it was because they weren’t answering the questionsKaren Tumulty contributed to this post It doesn’t take the most nuanced or careful view of a country with one of the world’s highest-geared propaganda machines, it is fascinating to have this glimpse inside the hermit kingdom, where the RNC hopes to swing just enough votes to tip those states in Mitt Romneys electoral vote column.

My dream begins with me being at home checking my email on my phone. I had just received a message from the ACT company stating that I got a 24 on my test, which was a big deal to me because a 24 is what I needed to get in order to accepted into the college I want to go to. (My very first time taking the ACT was the day prior to this dream so I can understand why something that has been on my mind so much would be in my dream). Suddenly walking into my old middle school for class. I see a group of my friends and converse with them about my ACT scores and the bell for first period rings. So I start walking to class with my friends when I realize I am going in the complete opposite direction of where my class is located. So I turn around to run to class before first hour starts and I drop my backpack and all its contents spill out into the hallway. I bend down to start picking them up and a friend (Carolyn) begins to help me. Then the fire alarm goes off and all of my friends seem extremely confused, as am I. A teacher that had been walking our way says it's just a drill and tells us to proceed outside. Well as I begin walking out the doors, there is a giant crashing sound and my friend Carolyn turns and yells at me,“Allison! They're saying this isn't a drill and we need to go to the office!” This threw me off because anyone with a half a brain would know that during a fire you are supposed to exit the building, not hide in the office. But Carolyn ran inside so I went after her to pull her back outside. When I reach the doors and get inside the school Carolyn is already at the end of the hallway and turning the corner and I continue after her. But I am running excruciatingly slow. When I finally reach the corner I turn into this gargantuan lobby, where students and teachers are running around like mad. Up on the walls I notice the giant steaming tanks, they resemble water tanks in a way. Each one has a giant light on them and the two of them are flashing red and steaming. The third ones light was glowing green but then begins to flash red as well. So, I'm fighting my way through the crowd and yelling at people to evacuate the building, and trying to get to the front office to see if Carolyn is in there. When I reach the office every one inside is very calm acting and trying to figure out what is wrong. To my right there is a giant black window, the kind that is see through but only on one side. I assumed it was a window that my principal looked through to make sure the office ladies were doing their job. So I ran into my principal's office and he is not there, I look beneath his desk to see if Carolyn is hiding there, but she isn't. Eventually I give up and bolt out the front doors of the school and down the street. As I am running I hear the sound of a giant explosion but I dont look back at the school. Then, I begin thinking to myself, “I know how this dream ends. I'll be running down the street and someone will try to abduct me. Because this has happened to me in past dreams.” Thankfully that was not the case, because quite frankly I am sick of kidnapping dreams too. I see a taxi driving down the street and I flag it down. The driver stops abruptly in the middle of busy traffic and I run towards it. As I climb into the passenger seat, a man driving a mini van behind the taxi yells, “Your driver is drunk!” I peer into the car and the woman behind the wheel does appear to be intoxicated and the silver flask in her right hand doesn't make thing seem any better. I turn to the man and say, “Well would you like to drive me?” I then climb into the car and tell the taxi driver I needed her to take me to the police station so I can report the explosion and then to my mothers work so I can tell her what happened. Also I notice that I have no money with me so I tell the driver, “I can't pay you right now because I don't have any money, but I will pay you when I get to my mom.” The driver seems a little agitated at first about not being paid immediately but she warms up to me. As we are driving around the town I notice that we are passing iconic places that have happened in my dreams. *** you see in my dreams, any place that I visit is a somewhat more twisted version of the real life one. For example I had a dream recently about a local amusement park and the park wasn't the exact same as it was in my dreams.*** I guess we really did take a scenic route because night fall was nearing and the driver took a wrong turn, and we came to a dead end. Once again I assumed this dream would turn into a nightmare, but she just turned around and went the right way. The driver was a very friendly latina woman, we talked about our lives and family and etc. Finally I come home and I run inside and the woman leaves. I remember thinking about how I forgot to pay her, but I got over it. So the dream skips forward a bit, I can't remember what exactly happened between these two parts but the second part is a recurring dream. I am hanging out with another good friend of mine and both of our dads. I am currently texting a boy that I guess I had a fling with in the past? Maybe another dream? Anyways we are talking and I am debating to pursue this kid in a romantic way but I have a lot of commitment issues so I am extremely hesitant. The boy is from another town and suddenly I am driving the kid back to his house, but before we can get on the high way to take him home an officer stops me and tells me I cant drive this boy home because he doesn't have a permit.. There is some sort of giant prison in the background casting a shadow, and something is written on the building in white paint but I can't remember what it was. Then I go into some sort of montage featuring all the officers that have stopped us on our multiple attempts to leave the town and take the boy home. Suddenly I'm at the top of a platform that is equal height with the prison building next to us. In front of me are thin, and steep winding roads. A tall women with white hair in a pixie cuts jumps onto a motorcycle resembling the kinds from the movie Tron. I immediately take after her, chasing her down. I don't know the woman but my gut is telling me to chase her down. Suddenly my motorcycle hits a bump and flies into the air, I hit a helicopter that is flying about and speculating the chase. I get a glimpse of the woman sighing and saying “Thank god she is finally dead.” But I'm not. I emerge from the helicopter and accidentally fall into a building. I'm in this purple room that looks like a young girls room. The lighting makes it seem like its about 2 in the afternoon, I wouldn't know because something giant and purple is blocking the window. I look closely and its a pile of toys. All sorts of stuffed animals are being crammed up against the window. I know that the only way out of this room is by getting out of the window, so rip the blinds of the wall and open the window as high as it will go. I begin pulling stuffed animals through to make room for me to crawl through. Finally I've created a hole and make my way to the top of the pile. Finally when I am standing on top of the pile there are all these children playing in it. Almost excitedly because they had the toys taken from them and I am returning them. The pile suddenly shifts downwards into another old dilapidated building. To my left through a giant hole in the wall I can hear the evil white haired woman talking to me. Sarcastically congratulating me for bringing happiness and toys to the kids around me. She then goes on about this massive weapon that she cant wait to use on me in the other room. I proceed in there and lo and behold there is some sort of laser standing in front of us. But before she can kill me these kids all join up on her and attack her with the toys and we eventually end up pushing her down a hold in the floor to her ultimate demise. And then I wake up.

I am with my family at a friends home on a lake. It is a friend of my wife's. Although we are all there (I sense), only my daughter and I are in the dream. She is down by the lake on a huge, long dock - where she was told not to go. I see her from the yard and yell to her to get away from the water. She starts to run back, slips and falls into the water. I run to the dock and catch a glimpse of her as she sinks. I dive in to rescue her. The water is calm and dark - black. There is no bottom and nothing in the water. I can't find her. I go back under several time and feel myself getting weaker with each pass. After 4-5 tries, I can barely tread water myself. I go under again - again, no bottom, no weeds, not even the dock posts. I head for the surface and all I can see is the sun coming through the water. It looks like a flashlight. As I break to surface I wake up. I woke to my heart pounding, my pulse racing - a full-on panic attack. I never recovered my daughter.

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