My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and we were talking
I dreamed I was in house with really big rooms and outdoor space. In another room was an individual that lives in another town that I knew. In waking life I discovered he was abusing children and brought it to the attention of authorities. He had a website about it and I passed it along. I havent spoken to him in years. In my dream there was a lot of people around and he was in another room. There were a group of guys in the room and one was having a discussion with him. It seemed like a difference of opinion and the man he was talking to turned into a dog, a border collie, right after the transformation he killed the dog. I was in another room but saw this as did others. People not wanting to draw his attention were making movements to leave. He saw this and started to walk towards everyone like nothing happened. As he walked towards people he was walking away from a puppy and a kitten. As the group, myself included, walked away from him he was walking with us talking and sounding off. We were on our way out and his discussion was weird we got outside and got into our vehicles and left leaving him behind
My mom, dad, and I went to a cabin and went swimming, and fishing, played outdoor games, then when we went to sleep there was fire in the cabin my mom and I got out but my dad didn't and he died.
Had a dream I worked a a place that serves food and my mom brothers and sister and cousins and nieces and nephews came in to eat and they acted like i was nothing then i dreamed i was by the water where ships were and i met guys who was trying to harm me and my brother would not help but i got out of dream i woke up
My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and when i seen him i kissed him a lot.
My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and we were talking and after he was called to go back
My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and when i seen
My cat jumped in the oven an got hurt he got out an was ok
I was in jail with my phone but i didnt want to leave i used my bail for my friend then i got out and saw naked people then i went back to this private jail with nothing in it except a concrete floor and my phone
My boyfriend is in jail and i had a dream that he got out of jail and he FaceTimed me