Me and a bunch of friends that I didn't recognize were very tiny, almost fairy sized. We were trying to survive at my local park and we built hiding places made entirely out of popsicle sticks so we could hide from the giants that wanted to kill us. We always had to carry weapons, but all we had were forks and knives. Then, I remembered that I had a bowie knife in a drawer in my room, so one of my friends and I go to my house to retrieve it. We still hid from the giants. They would pick up the popsicle stick huts and we would cling onto the ceiling of them to make the giants think we weren't there and they would be on their way. When I found the bowie knife, we went back to the group of friends in the park and we made a plan to escape by making a road of popsicle sticks to continue hiding from the giants. We would see them walking on top of our popsicle stick roofing that we built on the road. May 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Had this dream I was flying as a human had it many times before. Started slow with simple abilities and then I was able to go higher and higher. Was flying in and over the woods and water (the way my hometown is)...dream wasn't particularly new or unique. I flew lower over the ground and myself became a wolf, running and jumping over brush and running hard. I became aware of this scent. A very strong and powerful scent. Strange, instinctual, overpowering and definitely SEXUAL. I became I aware that I was being chased by another wolf...a male. I was highly aware and excited - not necessarily a sexual but a physical and intellectual awareness - that I was being pursued sexually. I ran faster and, for a moment - like a human thought interjecting at the last moment - was acutely aware that I would be overtaken sexually and that maybe I shouldn't let it happen - but then I was immediately overtaken and I remember an overwhelming and intense sexual encounter that was all wolf, totally primal, and intensely innate and satisfying and intimate. It was raw, pure sexual energy and I remember, at the moment of being overtaken, he grabbed the fur at this back of heck and I was down and relented. It was aggressive and intense but not human and had no other memorable animal details or connotations. I awoke remembering and feeling I had a profound, primal experience but not particularly sexual. I have NEVER had a dream about wolves before. I do not recall ever having a dream about physically being/becoming an animal before. I am not Native American and know nothing about animal guides or totems. I am older and not infatuated by the Twilight series or any Grimm fairy tales. This would be considered out of character for me but somehow, made total sense as it was happening in my dream. It was as primal as any experience I have ever had before in a dream. No, I don't have a dog fetish! Any ideas?? P.S. This dream occurred while I was taking steroids prescribed to me by my doctor for inflammation. I have experienced vivid dreams while on these meds this past week...but NOTHING like this before. I do not feel threatened by the dream or particularly he'll-bent on figuring it out...just curious as to your opinions. Thanks! April 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My 16 year old friend starts dating my 12 year old brother, and my other 16 year old friend try to break them up. The guy I like,(who is 16) commits a school shooting at my school. His ex. girlfriend , who is 16, is a fairy, and my friend who helped me try to break up my brother and my other friend, has to repeat her sophmore, so she has classes with me. (She is a year older than me, im almost 15) April 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I feel like i have had a similar dream like this before and it bothered me. So i tried to talking to a friend about it but it was too much for them. The only bit i remember of importance was being in my little sisters room(my old room. which most of my past nightmares take place) i was watching her and the t.v in there just came on on its own. The screen turned into a sepia color and started playing this movie, it felt wrong, everything was off and i tried turning it off but it wouldn't let me. one of my past demons i dreamt about went flying across the screen and i ended up fast forwarding through it and then rewinding it to the beginning. to where small symbols were going across the top left of the screen. and there was this triangle in the middle. I finally gave up feeling safer but still on the edge. somewhere along the way i found this book in the room. i just...had it. And it was an old fairy tale in a different language again. It was still dangerous though, i remembered it from a past dream in an old library. In that dream it was on a reading stand surrounded by a couple red candles. Moving on though. For some odd reason i thought it would be okay to read it to my sister, and i couldn't hear myself but i was just chatting away. Even though i couldn't read it, i spoke it perfectly. at one point the book became too much and kept telling my sister to not read the book or watch the movie. it was bad, and she could get hurt. I then tried to get rid of the book by tearing it apart and planning to burn it, but the pieces every time i set them down tried to get away. As if they were alive, and i knew i had to destroy them. So i continued to tear and hold the pages close to me so they couldn't get away. and The movie stopped and just had this while line going horizontally down it. Then i woke up. June 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis