Understand My Dreams

Dreams drunk

A guy I used to talk too, came into my room and almost had sex but he was drunk and fell asleep. I tried to sneak him out of my house because my dad was home and didn't want to get caught with him. So I hid him in the microwave and accidentally cooked him into a piece of chicken. I then took him to my room, asked if he was ok then had a couple bites of him and left him to go canoeing. I asked the people there if the person would be ok if I accidentally cooked them into a piece of chicken and they said yeah. So I texted him asking if he's ok but got no reply lol

I dreamt there was like this drunk homeless guy (he was carrying a alcohol bottle with him) and my mom told me not to go out there but I saw that outside in the front yard and my brothers girlfriend was out there and he was yelling at her and so i went out and told him to leave and he got pissed and smashed the bottle and hit my brothers girlfriend a few times and i dont know why but i stood still and he came right at me and started to strangle me and I couldn't breathe

My dad was sitting in a kitchen table, one of his good friends was beside him. My dad was very drunk we couldn't understand a single word he was saying, he was slurring all his words. he than reached in a drawer to pulled out a knife, he than clearly said "love me , or love me not" and put his hand on his chest and was about to start playing the knife to finger games, but than looked at me and threw the knife towards me. His friend than grabbed him and walked away.

I was in my bedroom talking with my mother my niece came in I told her to get ready for school not to miss the bus. My ex-husband comes in he is drunk, sits in a chair beside my bed falls asleep. I look at my wristwatch for the time to make sure they don't miss the school bus. Suddenly i was talking with my ex- boyfriend . He was upset because my ex-husband was at my house. He says he is going to come to my house I see a handgun behind his back and talk to him about not hurting anyone. I told him we could have sex and he could see that I haven't been with my ex-husband he agrees. we go inside my house his friend stays outside. I went to lock the door but I couldn't. he sat down I asked if we were going to do it in our bed since the ex-husband was in that room he began to think about it I saw he wanted to and I woke up.

My former boyfriend and i was back together but then we lost something and went looking for it in some kind of big building and a lot og stuff happend and we got accused of some shit and i dont really got what happend but then suddenly i was in the hospital later found out it was becaus i had been overdozed on pills and sleept for many days, but at the same time my ex was the one behind my hospitalstay and had caused some explotion at the big building. Then the people at the hospital tried to kill me and a lot of shit happend. Since i had been sleeping for days i also woke up and was suddenly super skinny. A lot of stuff happend at the hospital and i managed to escape. Then i was back in my town and met my ex boyfriend againat at party that my old best friend hosted. A lot of shit happend here as well, we were drunk driving around doing some kind of competition. I tried to avoid my ex since what happend erlier but he just kept coming around and suddenly we were talking and i was saying everything on my mind to him (things that i have on my mind about him when awake. we just got a little in touch again in real life as well, but he has not changed so i try to stay away.) Then suddenly we were good friends but he told me he liked me still but was banging some other girl, but it was nothing to him. Then he forced me to let him meed my parents agein (they hate him in real life). When the dream stops.

I can't get home and I call my husband and he takes a long time to get there. He finally does and we have to get my car out of a very dark parking lot . I am sitting in the dark with people I don't know and can't see and two wild kittens. My husband finally finds my car and we have to pay to get it out. He pushes a bunch of cars out of the way he gives me the keys and he goes home. I start driving and I get lost and then I find I am drunk. I try to get help but I fall down a hole that get so narrow I get stuck. I call for help and then I woke up.

Bizarre dream. Small dogs. Playful small dogs. Blue candys. Can't realize I'm eating the candy (similar to jawbreakers). More and more candy is in my mouth but I don't realize. A tooth is VERY loose and about to fall out. Choke on my tooth. Spit it out and tons of candy falls out. Can't get the candy out it's so much in my mouth. Very drunk and stumbling. Trapped. Small room. Weird doors and ladder. Girl locks everything weirdly from the inside. Asks me if I like her one dog. mouth is suddenly full of candy and I spill some out. She thinks I'm throwing up. She sees the full pieces of candy. Questions it. I cry. Run away. Embarrassment feelings. Edit: Someone in room says my mom is on her way to pick me up. I freak out. So drunk. Can barely see and stumbling hard.

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