Dreaming of working at old job
Dreaming of old job
Dreaming of stealing my mother money and cake
Dreaming of running through the woods and seeing a double rainbow
Dreaming of white Baby turtles flying
I dreamt that I got a note on the door from a childhood friend that I am no longer friends with. She left a note about selling me insurance and needed me in her office immediately to discuss it. This particular friend and I fell out over a decade ago and I ended the friendship. I was living in peace until this friend was hired at my apartment complex and suddenly I'm dreaming of her. Our friendship ended badly because she always belittled and bullied me.
Dréamiñg my fríéñd çhild wéàríñg sky blúé sílky dréss
Dreaming that my girlfriend whom I to get married the next day is stabing me with a fork .We had a disagreement.She accused me of flirting with her brothers wife.She got so angry and stab me in my neck and I saw how I'm dying
I keep dreaming that I have a second rented flat, that I can live in whenever I feel like
Dreaming of introducing my deceased mom to a new relationship I have never met