I'm in the forest and my hands start glowing red and I bring a dinosaur to life and then my hands start glowing green and the dinosaur dies
Dreamed I was in my apartment when all of a sudden I heard a Giants footsteps boom boom boom and sound like gods footsteps coming nearer and nearer as I looked out the window all I could hear was the sound of footsteps coming nearer and nearer as I look up to see finally if I would see the face of God it was just a crazy cartoon like dinosaur with the eyes bobbing all around and then I woke up!
Dreams about dinosaurs killing me, then after they kill me, it says game over, and does the killing again
Hiding from dinosaurs
I'm in the forest and my hands start glowing red and I bring a dinosaur back to life and then my hands start glowing green and the dinosaur dies
In my backyard my mom and dad are being eaten by dinosaurs. i go on a plane and fly away to my friends house
I made friend with this dinosaur We fought off a T-Rex and the friendly dinosaur ate me.
Eaten by a dinosaur
Playful hiding from dinosaurs
So I was dreaming that I was running away from something. I ran through this dark foggy woods. When i came out the other side it was daylight and a dinosaur was chasing me. Then he stomped on me and I woke up