Diamonds falling out of pockets
I dreamed a man placed two large diamonds in the palm of my hand
Found an iraqi gold coin with black diamonds on it
I dream that God holds out his hand and I step in his and he lifts me up and sets me on this mountain that is covered with gems and diamonds and these small tiny shiny black rocks, and God says I am lifting you higher and he set me on this mountain, I pick up the gems, diamonds and the shiny rocks and starts crying and God says these are yours because I can trust you. Then I wake up. I have dreamed this same dream everynight for the past three weeks.
Lost diamonds in several rings
Finding lost diamonds
Loosing diamonds out of ring
I was at a amunsent park but it was staged at one of our local baseball fields but without the baseball diamonds I had no money and was by myself but there was tons of people I talked to some peers I knew and then my friend Jacob who is also my ex boyfriend but for some reason I wanted his money so bad because I was starving and for some reason there was a random dollar general and he asked me to watch his wallet I went to the store to by some beef jerkey but then something stopped me and I walked out the store to give him his wallet and talk
In a unknown place i see a gold ring four diamonds in it and also a girl i know standing behind it
Seeing diamonds