Im a kight. Im running with a young lady. a legion of demons is behide us. we run into a old building and seal the door. it is a church. a raven breaks the church Windows. flys to the bell tower. the young lady aproachs me and i walk backwards she kissed me. Then she pushes me to my death. as the door breaks open. reaven is there eating me. I cant move and im pain with 3 spikes going through me.
It was dark. Couldn't see anything in front of me. Suddenly I was in a room I've never been in. The only light source what seemed like moonlight shining in. There was a person inside the room with me. I realized that it was myself, but a demonic version of me. Black eyes and a mischievous smile. I was suddenly on the ground with demonic me standing over me. I got almost like a drowning sensation as I looked up at him. He said something to me, but I can't remember what.
Demon shadows
I dreamed of a demon, a girl without a face. She tried to frighten me, I tried to tell her that I am able to also loving her if she wants.
Old house demonic
3 demon dogs with red eyes chasing me though the woods trying to kill me. I reached an abandoned motel and a broken down car. An old man appears and distracted the dogs so I can climb on top of the motel
I dream someone telling me that I will see something after I will be demonic possess and I saw mi self passing the baby and I started to be mad aftr that I saw mi self praying and overpower the lady made me mad
I dreamed of five demons that were there, not causing me harm, but I believe they were antagonizing me, and even with my faith in Jesus, there was nothing I could do to them. Transparent as it seemed.
Child like demon on my back