Understand My Dreams

Dreams construction

So first I was in an abandoned warehouse, with a bunch of strangers. not feeling left out or in any way that I wasnt supposed to be there. I had sex with a stranger and it was passionate. After this happened, my dream jumps to my fathers house where i grew up. I was in the yard and saw my fathers truck (from back when i was a child, which he no longer has) hooked up to Two different trailers. These trailers were filled with construction material. The truck was also running. Almost felt as if I had come home from a "party" and seeing my dads truck running, I felt as if I should have been home to help him load up the truck and trailers. So i went inside the house. Walked up to his bedroom, and inside i found him laying with 3 other GUYS in his bed. MY DAD IS NOT GAY! He wakes up, along with the other men, and he looks surprised but happy... he asks "What happened last night?" I replied, I dont know, I was going to ask you the same thing! He then tells me he got his 3rd DUI and he was smiling about it. Then I walk out on the balcony and am frantic trying to figure out what happened to my dad the night prior. Looking out to the yard I see a bunch of people leaving the house. The neighbors are at the end of their driveway looking up at dads house shaking their head in disapproval. Then, after freaking out and punching dents into a van, someone tells me my dog got hit last night by a car, and it died. WHAT THE HELL DOES ALL THIS MEAN?

I was at a fancy party we left hit a car and kept driving. we drove past lots of construction then into a skate park. there were children even though it was night. paul folded the car and left it outside we were on some sort of bunker or domain no one would talk to us so we went in I found my purse a girl said it was hers I joked she laughed we became friends. everyone looked like they where on meth and violent. we found the way out but paul let his car in the back he went to get it and came back with a stroller He realized we lost the kids. we panicked. I ran outside to look for the car there was a guy with a dog. the dog jumped on me. this man proceeded to put brown dots on everyone's noses and talked of a need to plant this shit. I kept walking looking for the car with the children. there where so many guns. I couldn't find them I was scared frantic I awoke. yellow rotten teeth alcohol

Vacation, Met new people, on a gazebo raised on stilts, a big wave comes in and takes out the stilts. Structure collapse with all of us inside it. Water rushes in, make It to the exit and swim to escape. Try to run inside home but Ex-Girlfriend blocks the way. Walk away from the house. Carrying building material along a busy highway. I walk through several construction sites, building houses. I reach a large rest area/carwash, with a lot of bathrooms. It's a gas station. Theres a lawn mower with tank treds.

My boyfriend is going to do surgery on me. I am given the anesthesia but it is not working since the operatiing room is under construction and is very noisy with people walking in and out. He tells me to lay there for the anesthesia to work and goes to his car to sleep. My chriopractor is telling me that he is very tired because he is partying every night. There is piles of clean laundry and I try to put them all in one place, but am hiding some clothes in the middle of the pile that people are searching for. I get up to go to the bathroom but have difficulty locking the door. I return to the operating room and lay down on the table for the anesthesia to take hold. There is a strange woman that is trying to enter the room but the nurse stops her and is charging her for the intrusion and also for a previous intrusion. She is coming from outside where it is very dark.

I can't remember a whole lot of this dream but I woke feeling really stressed. I was in a building with some of my work colleagues and someone was going to take us to a place that we didn't want to go to by train. So we each received an email listing the part each of us was going to play to fool this terroriser so that we wouldn't have to go. Everyone had begun their part of the plan and I hadn't even finished reading the email to know my part. All I knew was that I had to go outside to the garden to start or fix something. When I went into the garden I left the building via my family house rear door and went into a version of my family home's back garden. There was a lot of construction work happening. There was a crane holding two men really high up who were working on something. There was a hole in the ground by the crane with a steel platform over the top of it, that was raised from the hole meaning you could slide in to the hole with ease. It was only a shallow rectangular hole that you could have stand in. As I walked towards the crane tosh out the men I noticed that they couldn't hear me and saw some one or two objects falling towards me that they had dropped. I think it was only a screw driver or small building object. I ran into the hole in time to hear then clank off the steel above me. Just as I thought I was okay there was a machine in the hole that squirted two hot spurts of chemical into my face. I felt drowsy and shouted for help two or three times. By the third shout I started to feel strong again and heaved myself from the hole quite angry at the men above and fearless compared to how I felt before. However I was still rushing around the garden trying to find something that would help with the plan and then I woke up....

I was at a fancy party we left hit a car and kept driving. we drove past lots of construction then into a skate park. there were children even though it was night. paul folded the car and left it outside we were on some sort of bunker or domain no one would talk to us so we went in I found my purse a girl said it was hers I joked she laughed we became friends. everyone looked like they where on meth and violent. we found the way out but paul let his car in the back he went to get it and came back with a stroller He realized we lost the kids. we panicked. I ran outside to look for the car there was a guy with a dog. the dog jumped on me. this man proceeded to put brown dots on everyone's noses and talked of a need to plant this shit. I kept walking looking for the car with the children. there where so many guns. I couldn't find them I was scared frantic I awoke.

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