I met a childhood friend on her wedding day. She hugged me and started to cry. Then later in the dream she was about to say "I do" but she couldn't. She said she still loved me December 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in what looked like my middle school in New York except my classes and teachers were all of the ones in Old Bridge High School. I was running through the halls when the setting changed to what looked like a little kids birthday party. I didn’t recognize any of the people there except one of my childhood friends from where my family spent summers upstate when I was little. I didn’t remember her name but when I tried to walk up to her it seemed like a crowd of people were blocking her until I couldn’t see her at all. For some reason, I started to walk backwards until I was in a backyard and then the dream ended. December 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I made a sandwich for a childhood friend, cut my hair and put it on the sandwich January 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I walked to my childhood friend's house which has a lot of pigs to ask her to join me to school. Her house smelt so bad. February 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
In one of my frequent dream i saw the second marriage of my closer ones like my two elder sisters & my best childhood friend (a girl). they leave their partners & go to marry with some other. i cry & beg in font of them to not do it, but they ignore me & their child also. i am a girl & saw this dream many times. now i want to known, what it means January 30, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My childhood friend took me to this big nice place number on building was 1833 and she drove off and left me i was trying to get out another friend was suppose to show me how to get out but i drove off and left her and went back to get her and she had left me, so i drove to a street name calumet and stop at the light. oh yes it was running water or a pond of clear water in front of the building. July 31, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was packing and getting ready for a trip to Europe with a childhood friend and her younger sister. The entire time I'm waiting on them to finish ironing so I can iron my close. When they finally finish I start inron when I realize theiron is on plugged and the end of the plug is bent. Then my mom comes in and helps me fix the end of the plug. After i finish ironing I pack the rest of my things and head to the airport where at the gate I realize I left some things I needed. I run back get my things and start running back but it seems like it is taking forever and my legs won't move fast enough. I finally get to the gate and the plane hasn't left yet but the attendants seem very annoyed when taking my bags and when I notice my bag isn't zipped up all the way they won't let me zip it up. when I beg them to let me they said it will be ok and kinda laugh. Then I woke up. June 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I was was going somewhere with this particular woman then some how we got separated when we went to my old neighborhood. I told her and the othe people we were traveling with to go ahead. I met up with my childhood friend abd then went back to my mother's house to show him the new cars I had. Two were two door sports cars I wouldn't get in and were rusted an neglected. A bmw and a Mazda. Another car I said was my mother's but it is my wife's Benz wagon. Then I showed my car an Audi a6. Then I said I needed to catch this woman and the people she was walking with. I drove through my neighborhood and couldn't catch her. Then I finally saw a text on my phone to call her. I called but couldn't get through. She sent a message that said she got a line through my face at the same exit I did driving. Then I spoke to her and woke up. February 04, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis