Understand My Dreams

Dreams childhood friend

I was in what looked like my middle school in New York except my classes and teachers were all of the ones in Old Bridge High School. I was running through the halls when the setting changed to what looked like a little kids birthday party. I didn’t recognize any of the people there except one of my childhood friends from where my family spent summers upstate when I was little. I didn’t remember her name but when I tried to walk up to her it seemed like a crowd of people were blocking her until I couldn’t see her at all. For some reason, I started to walk backwards until I was in a backyard and then the dream ended.

I was packing and getting ready for a trip to Europe with a childhood friend and her younger sister. The entire time I'm waiting on them to finish ironing so I can iron my close. When they finally finish I start inron when I realize theiron is on plugged and the end of the plug is bent. Then my mom comes in and helps me fix the end of the plug. After i finish ironing I pack the rest of my things and head to the airport where at the gate I realize I left some things I needed. I run back get my things and start running back but it seems like it is taking forever and my legs won't move fast enough. I finally get to the gate and the plane hasn't left yet but the attendants seem very annoyed when taking my bags and when I notice my bag isn't zipped up all the way they won't let me zip it up. when I beg them to let me they said it will be ok and kinda laugh. Then I woke up.

I dreamt I was was going somewhere with this particular woman then some how we got separated when we went to my old neighborhood. I told her and the othe people we were traveling with to go ahead. I met up with my childhood friend abd then went back to my mother's house to show him the new cars I had. Two were two door sports cars I wouldn't get in and were rusted an neglected. A bmw and a Mazda. Another car I said was my mother's but it is my wife's Benz wagon. Then I showed my car an Audi a6. Then I said I needed to catch this woman and the people she was walking with. I drove through my neighborhood and couldn't catch her. Then I finally saw a text on my phone to call her. I called but couldn't get through. She sent a message that said she got a line through my face at the same exit I did driving. Then I spoke to her and woke up.

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