Understand My Dreams

Dreams cheeks

It felt like it was 2 months from now i dreamed of myself waking up one day harly breathing everything was blurry i could hear my heart racing i got up tryed ti reach out of the room suddenly he ( ezzdin) appeared out of nowhere saying : i warned you ,told you to take good care . i was gonna say sthg back but he disappeared i walked all the way through a white hall he appeared again at the end of it's way and stood distant from me the more i walked towards him the further he got i shouted his name but he just stood there staring not saying a word my eyes started bleeding i looked away and the bleeding stopped then i looked at his face again and the blood started pouring from my eyes covering my cheeks leaving drops on the floor the drops turned black and everything started shaking he vanished and i fainted suddenly i wake up in a hospital room hooked up to an oxygen machine he was sitting close silently anyway i look at the left see my mom crying look at the right see my dad wiping sweat off his forehead he seemed desperate i reached my hand to his ( ezzdin) held it tight he smiled slightly and looked me into the eyes then i looked away then i got up smoked a cigarette then took off the stuff that was keeping me alive i walked towards him i fell on my way and my soul left my body but my spirit was still in the room i watched him bend over my corpse to close my eyes then he smiled and whispered you shouldn't have waited so long , ps: ezzedin is the name of the man i love.

My dream was my sister, brother and I who are still alive saw my cousins passing us, they were invited to one of our cousin;s wedding,in front was dark, they were wearing outfit not for celebration but kind of dark green pants and a flower type shirt dark color also. Ny no who is dead walked in to a small room where my brother, sister and I was sitting, She cries and the tears were falling down from her cheeks and she said I was not invited. She seem very sad.

My dream was my sister, brother and I who are still alive saw my cousins passing us, they were invited to one of our cousin;s wedding,in front was dark, they were wearing outfit not for celebration but kind of dark green pants and a flower type shirt dark color also. Ny no who is dead walked in to a small room where my brother, sister and I was sitting, She cries and the tears were falling down from her cheeks and she said I was not invited. SAhe seem very sad.

I was in a room with my fiancee and our daughter. he had her in his arms and she kept crying to get me. i tried getting to her but something or someone was holding me back from getting to her. i dont know if it was a force or a person but i knew i couldnt move AT ALL. so while i try to get my baby, my fiancee is telling me that hes found a new mother for her and shes (my daughter) forgotten you and doesnt know who you are anymore. he tells me that hes going far away that i'll never see her or him at all never ever. (in reality we're doing well and i never have the worry that he'll take her from me because we've already come to those agreements through court and shes mine). at that moment i start crying really bad just screaming and crying trying to get to her but i was still being held back. throughout all this he kept laughing at me and holding her far from me. he just kept laughing while tears were rolling down my cheeks :( ive seen it two nights in a row and its really scaring me. the tears and his laughter feel so real that when i wake im left breathless in tears and with heart pain. what does it mean please help :(

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