Understand My Dreams

Dreams chalk

I was sitting home alone on a stormy evening. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, which struck me as odd since no one was supposed to be home for another two hours. So I sat still and pretended not to hear anything, but the knock came again. The air around me became cold and lifeless. As if I was inhaling chalk. Then I heard it, the sharp bullet fire followed by the cracking of wood. The door hinge dropped lifelessly to the floor, followed by the door itself. Then a man wearing all black was in its place. Immediately I sprung up and lunged for the back door, but the man was trailing at my heels. Then as if I had went through a wormhole of time I was running through the slummy streets of a crime filled city, the fiend still close behind. I’m running so fast my feet don’t feel a part of my body anymore, I sharply turn but am reluctant to find myself trapped in a dead end alleyway. As I frantically turn he has the gun pointed to my forehead, before he gets the chance to shoot I’m jolted awake.

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