Understand My Dreams

Dreams cell phone

I had friends from out of town come over to my house for a barbeque and in the starter kit was a bag of lighter fluid which had a tear. As I was going to go throw the bag away I walked past a fire outside and the bag exploded in my hand. This burnt and blew off fingers and 4 toes on my right foot as well as on the rest of my body. I was seen by a man driving down the road and was taken to the hospital. After arriving I was cleaned up and left. No one came to visit. When I was released I went home to get my tablet and phone and also told friends including my husband I was done with them and left again. While walking into the city it seemed to get sucked into a hole in the ground and then erupt like a volcano causing a tornado to begin. I took shelter in an office building. As I am scrambling trying to find somewhere safe my phone rings. Its an automated system from my cell phone provider telling me that I was past due on my bill and had to pay it by 9:16pm that day.

My son and me were at the theater in Quincy Florida. I took him to the bathroom. While there two individuals were shot. On my cell phone I tried calling 911 to report the shooting. Operator ask for location and I told him that the theater was located on main street. He disputed me telling me that my cell call was coming from Tampa when we were in Tallahassee. I had to be back home with food for my father who is deceased no later than 1pm. I arrived late with no food and I started crying in my sleep but for real in life. All my dreams now are usually about my deceased relatives.

My boyfriend Edwin and I were together at one of his photo shoots (in real I've he is a photographer), he also works at tmobile and his co worker was the model for the day (he really plans to shoot with her although before I say this I know this has nothing to do with me being fearful in real life about something going on between the two because she no longer works with him and I just know there's nothing going between the two) . So as he began to lens over and show her the picture she just shot she would rub on his arm in a flirtatious way that I didn't like. I then turned to her (as we sitting next to one another on the same couch) and asked her sternly in front of my boyfriend to stop touching him, she replied no with an attitude and I raised my voice and said you better stop touching my boyfriend and then she finally replied ok. I left the photo shoot and somehow quickly ended up back in my bedroom , I immediate,y called him on his cell phone and asked where he was and he told me he left the shoot and was heading home. Itold him I need you to come over to my house because we need to talk, and I began asking interrogating questions such as "are you driving her home, did she get in your car" all in all he told me no and said he would be on his way to me. As I waited I looked outside my bedroom window (which faces the street and nearby college football field) and the street wAs blocked off due to some kind of fair or something. I guess it was around 730 pm because it looked as though it was beginning to get dark but so dark there was still a little sun left in the sky. There were tons of young kids outside playing and one kid then announce "he's got a gun!" I looked out my window some more and noticed a suspicious man in a black hoody walking across the street. He then disappeared but I noticed some cops running into my building as all of that happened my boyfriend told ,e he was downstairs in front of my building so come down, I looked but couldn't notice the car and them he told me he had to park the car around the corner, as I got ready to go meet him downstairs to speak on what happened I woke up!

A man falls off the back of a moving bus and rolls down the road and hits several people. These people lose their balance and causes a chain reaction and they start falling off a the top of a very tall Mayan Pyramid into their death. Most of them are tourists and fall to their death. A close up of one man with a backpack and orange shorts goes in slow motion. This man keeps falling and lands on a lower platform. He is still alive, as he tries to turn and reach for his cell phone and make one last call his arm separates from his body because of the injuries. The arm falls into the floor while the hand is till holding the cell phone. The man then rolls and falls into the ground in order to reach for his arm. He grabs the phone with his other hand and makes one last phone call to his family, letting them know he's gonna die.

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