My husband and I are camping. Everything is good. We wake up in the morning to find that there is a nuclear device 100 yards from our camp which will explode in 12 hours. We cannot drive fast enough to outrun the explosion field. My husband says there is nothing we can do and seems calm. I am in a panic. 9 hours pass while I try to find a solution. I hear a train not far from us and find out that we can get on the train and beat the explosion field. We pack the car in case the device doesn't explode, put our two dogs in the car and start to drive towards the train. There is not a lot of time. I see my dog in the road but she is also in the car. I stop, put the dog from the road in the car and start to pull away. The dog from the road barks and it is a different bark than my dog. I hear a puppy crying in the distance and realize this is it's mother. I let the dog out. I see our black cat and point it out to my husband only to see another black cat with a red collar 4 feet to it's right and know that this is our cat. We stop and my husband calls cat into the car. I think we can make that train. Cat gets in the car and I wake up. November 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was camping with family and friends when my best friend ditched me for other people so I walked back to camp along the river. When I got there I went for a swim. There we some teens my age watching me. They were competitive swimmers. I was in a strong current but im a great swimmer so it was no problem. They looked at me astonished. When I came back a cute guy introduced himself as Mason. He was flirting and trying to get me to join there team for they just lost a player and he told me how cute and amazing I was. I tried to tell my parents but they wouldn't listen. So I said I was going to sleep at Mias camp. I then was picked up and Mason drove me to his house because the team was having a sleepover. I was so dirty from camping I took a shower in his room. I asked if I could barrow some clothes so he gave me his sisters bra and matching thong she had just boughten that were to small for her. I put the on and he let mebarrow a pair of oversized sweats and one of his shirts. We then went down stairs, talked to the team about me joining, then the boys slept down stairs and the girls upstairs. Mason took me to his room and said I could sleep in his bed while he will take the couch. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water when Mason snuck up behind me and was hugging me telling me that I needed to get to bed for we had training tomarrow September 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
. I remember that we were supposed to go tent camping…I remember attempting to rope climb. The rope was very high up. There were two ropes twisted together. I untwisted and noticed they had knots used to assist climbers. I attempted to climb while I was by myself before anyone came to see me. I had a lot of difficulty, having to jump to gain any distance on the rope. Shortly after my attempts kids joined me, although I don’t remember seeing their faces, the feeling I had made me believe they were my own. I suddenly flashed back to the rope and remember touching the beam, signaling my success, and allowing myself to free fall back down to the ground. I remember there being problems getting through the dirt roads to get to the various places on the site. I remember there being an issue with something that we gave the attendant, and we took back from his bicycle when he wasn’t looking. Jillian, was displeased with the grounds keepers and the site, but was out running around doing adventures anyway, while I conducted business. I flashed and Jill, along with the camping adventure was gone, and I was with the ladies from the HR office playing a high stakes game of paintball. The funny thing was it was in the corporate office that we were playing. We were wearing professional garb, like helmets, BDU’s (Black) and goggles. It felt almost as if we were practicing a drill or scenario of some sort. I remember giving silent hand signals to my team members, I was the leader, and they understood what I meant. I was shocked b/c we had no formal training, but it was as if my team had been practicing for this for a long time. I remember seeing someone attempting to get the drop on us, peaking through a cracked door. I quickly pulled my head back around the corner of a wall and began to open fire. I do not remember actually hitting the person, but I do remember winning with my team, and we acted very swat team professional, and then my dreams were over. September 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
City I live in was under sever weather. Flooding from a tsunami. My exes, three in particular we're in it. One of the exes and I were gonna go camping before catasophre happened! storm struck! we got on a boat. Argued, I left. I came back, he was gone, I went searching for him February 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
We were camping in a beautiful mountain scenery but for some reason we had to leave suddenly this place. Later on police controlled us and I noticed I had forgotten all my documents in the tent. I got very anguished as I couldn't prove my identity and we already had come a long way and couldn't turn back. Perhaps they would arrest me so I was really afraid to confront the officers. My parents had their documents with them. January 16, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I went on a camping trip in a different country with many people from school and while we were camping i fell twice then later on guys were on a side and the girls were on the other side we started taking off our clothes and i felt the sexiest and guys were looking at me and some of my friends are girls that i stopped talking to December 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had surgery to remove a lump in my breast. I acted like it was nothing and was more upset about missing work. I had strange stitches. We also went camping. There were old toys I didn't want to part with. It was cold and wet outside. We found a cabin to stay in. There were dogs in small cages that were cold and wet. We watched a porn movie and I got horny but never did anything. There was a fight about veterans and then guns came out. I thought my favorite blanket was ruined but it was not. December 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis