I was on an island sounded by water and in a very large house, and on a yacht telling my son's look this room can be y'alls, it was all in pretty wood and very western, we had family and friends at a party, I was pushed into the water with my my clothes and boots on, when I got out I was going to pull my boots off and dump out the water, I thought I heard something in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and then we saw the snakes head in my boot.
I was sounded by ocean water and in a very large house, and a on a yacht telling my sons Clay and Korey look this room can be y'alls, we had family and friends at a party, I was pushed into the water with my clothes and boots on, when I got out I was going to pull my boots off and dump out the water, I thought I heard something in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and then we saw the snakes head in my boot
Boots and formal gowns and party cops show up and there are drugs
Putting on boyfriend s boots not noticing people noticed did this twice before finding my own and putting them on
I was on an island in a large mansion, and it had a yacth, I was telling my son's this room can be yours it was pretty wood and very country looking, we were having a family and friend party, I was pushed in the water with my pretty brown jeweld boots on, after I climes out of the water, I was taking of my boot to dump out the water and I heard a sound in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and seen a snake coming out with with my foot.
I was on an island sounded by water and in a very large house, and on a yacht telling my son's look this room can be y'alls, it was all in pretty wood and very western, we had family and friends at a party, I was pushed into the water with my my pretty brown jeweld boots on, I got out of the water and went to pull my boots off and dump out the water, I thought I heard something in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and then we seen the snake coming out of my boot with my foot
I was on an island sounded by water and in a very large house, and on a yacht telling my son's look this room can be y'alls, it was all in pretty wood and very western, we had family and friends at a party, I was pushed into the water with my my pretty brown jeweld boots on, I got out of the water and went to pull my boots off and dump out the water, I thought I heard something in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and then we saw the snake coming out of my boot with my foot
I was on an island in a large house like a mansion, and a yacht, I told my sons look this room can be yours, it is very country with pretty wood. There was a family and friend party and everyone was having fun, I was pushed in the pretty ocean blue water with my brown jeweld boots on, I got out and went to take my boot off and I seen a snake, so I ask my cou s in Shorty to help me pull off the boot, as he was taking off my boot we seen a snake, and it was coming out my boot head first.
I was on an island in a large mansion, and it had a yacht, I was telling my son's this room can be yours it was pretty wood and very country looking, we were having a family and friend party, I was pushed in the water with my pretty brown jeweld boots on, after I climes out of the water, I was taking of my boot to dump out the water and I heard a sound in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and seen a snake coming out with with my foot.
I was on an island sounded by water and in a very large house an mansion and on a yacht telling my son's look this room can be y'alls, it was all in pretty wood and very western, we had family and friends at a party, I was pushed into the water with my my pretty brown jeweld boots on, I got out of the water and went to pull my boots off and dump out the water, I heard something in my boot, my cousin shorty helped me pull off my boot and then we seen the snake coming out of my boot with my foot