I had a dream that my house was a glass house and the door had broken because of the wind of a storm. Meanwhile, my deceased grandmother showed up with a friend in a vehicle and was on the porch talking to me. Before I had gone out of the door, I had seen two large spiders that turned into big orange puffer fish. I suddenly was at my neighbors house, and I was checking on them. The mother and children were there, with a few of her friends. I had been greeted by her fiancé as hey bitch, and I was mad at him for greeting me that way. I had gone into a room and seen a female with blonde hair on the bed. She was deformed and started hitting on my ex- boyfriend (neighbor), and I hit her. I was then walking to the police department and I had seen a marathon, I was making a report at the police department and four police cars shown up at the house. My brother went to look at the police cars and the ending of my dream I heard Eminem rapping. May 18, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream of my neighbors house being remodeled. It was completely different. I had been in my house which was like a glass house with glass walls and it was stormy and the wind blew the door glass out. I had been unexpectedly visited by my deceased grandmother and her friend while there were two spiders that turned into puffer fish. I was mad at my neighbors over something and I was walking to the police department where I seen a marathon, and I had been at the neighbors house and I had seen my ex boyfriend (neighbor) who looked deformed and a blonde female laying on the bed who also looked deformed. I had been upset and hit the blonde. I then woke up to Eminem "So long bitch you did me so wrong living in this world without you". May 18, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Girl that had blonde hair and an angry face broke up with me, although it didn’t sound like my girlfriend I knew it was. She also threatened me. September 17, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Went down to a basement in future Eugene Oregon. A couple of women lived there with a young blond girl about 9 years old. The little girl watched the news while the blond women was heading out for work. She had LED Lighted eyes like some sort of tech implants & the brunet had a large section of her right calf was missing.. I know somehow that she was forbidden to go outside into public. Short dream but stuck very sharp in memory. July 15, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
..Wij komen op het strand , groepje mannen vallen een blonde vrouw lastig en gooien al haar spullen over het strand Daarna Lopen met drie vrouwen over straat. Aan de overkant staat een man met een grote zwarte hond...Komt een auto langs met een vrouw erin en laat ons in haar truck.. Ik raap ze op en geeft ze terug..mannen nijdig . Vrouw neemt mij mee naar haar huis en ze heeft een zelfde grote hond maar dan in het wit..Ik loop later weer op diezelfde straat, en weer staat daar die man met zijn zwarte hond daar...Na een paar seconden komt die hond naar mij toe en gaat links van mij staan.Dan ineens komt ook die andere hond naast mij staan , de witte aan rechterkant. ik beweeg mijn hand naar de man toe en hij ontploft en verdwijnt... March 23, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
A young woman with orangeish blonde hair had run away form her family this older couple allowed her to stay in their home the woman had been shown to a room and laid down to go to sleep for the night as it was late. in the morning the older woman went to wake her up and as the younger woman lifted her head up from the pillow this large orange spot with clumps of hair in it was left on the pillow the older woman screamed at the younger woman and told her to go get cleaned up. once the young woman had been cleaned up it could be seen that she was pregnant and the baby was due to come at any point. the old woman called the healer of their village to help the young woman who it could be seen was just a young girl not much older than 10 or 12 years old the girl was then asked to let the old woman and her husband go through her bag. when they did so they found many different kinds of drugs most of the bottles almost empty some completely empty. then the girl stared screaming it seemed that she was giving birth and when the baby came the old couple took the girl to court where they ended up fighting against the girl and her parents for custody of the baby. in the end the girl got to keep the baby. November 12, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I walk along a country path in an empty, tall grass field. I see a wooden table with a luxurious tablecloth. It is luxurious in colors of gold, red and purple. There is fringe. Under the tablecloth is a marble mantle clock. I pick it up to carry it. It leads me through a portal to black space. Standing in black space, a gigantic white with pink lotus flower gently floats past me. It glows. In the distance a giant peony, or old fashioned rose,white with a soft pink hue, floats. It glows. Eventually, I float to the right. Ism carrying a marble clock that points the way to an old, grey rock structure. There are stairs leading upward. At the top of the stairs, is a large, wooden arch doorway. I press the metal ring to open the door forward. It opens the way to the interior of a church. I walk down the center aisle to the front of the church. I am wearing a white peasant dress and see that I am barefoot. My hair is long blond, and tied loosely in a braid. I am a young woman. As I face the front of the church, rays and beams of sunlight pour down from above. I stand in the light rays soaking in the warmth and the bliss. I am filled with joy and begin to weep with happiness. I glance out the window the the right, and there are roses climbing up the side of the wall. White doves flitter in the rose bushes and fly around the window. I am overwhelmed with gladness and peace. December 09, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Standing in black space, a gigantic white with pink lotus flower gently floats past me. It glows. In the distance a giant peony, or old fashioned rose,white with a soft pink hue, floats. It glows. Eventually, I float to the right. Ism carrying a marble clock that points the way to an old, grey rock structure. There are stairs leading upward. At the top of the stairs, is a large, wooden arch doorway. I press the metal ring to open the door forward. It opens the way to the interior of a church. I walk down the center aisle to the front of the church. I am wearing a white peasant dress and see that I am barefoot. My hair is long blond, and tied loosely in a braid. I am a young woman. As I face the front of the church, rays and beams of sunlight pour down from above. I stand in the light rays soaking in the warmth and the bliss. I am filled with joy and begin to weep with happiness. I glance out the window the the right, and there are roses climbing up the side of the wall. White doves flitter in the rose bushes and fly around the window. I am overwhelmed with gladness and peace. December 08, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis