Terry I dreamt of my old college friends dead father He gave me a number and said she was not doing well March 05, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
Living in the trap house for weeks on end smoking rock adrenochrome with the girls in between gerbil play - just like in real life. But in dream everyone was also wearing plastic top hats and kept tap dancing and doing corny old vaudeville numbers in between hits on the pipe. October 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream my brother and I were on our way to a professional wrestling match when we were pulled over by the cops. The police asked for our IDs and asked where we were going tonight and when we said professional wrestling match this is what he told us: ""Professional Wrestling" is considered one of the most successful efforts of the Extreme Perversity Normalization Initiative's "Closet Project". Professional Wrestling was designed by Illuminati meme artists and psychologists to accomplish three primary aims: 1) To serve as a simple means of screening the public for propensity to extreme gullibility - a trait highly desired by the Illuminati and one cultivated through eugenics programs. 2) To encourage public acceptance of suspension of disbelief and critical thinking as vast numbers of people invested emotional attachment in contests they knew rationally were predetermined and staged. 3) To promote a culture of hypermasculine homoeroticism of a type designed to appeal primarily to aggressive young males in denial about their own homosexual impulses. All EPNI "wrestling" features an emphasis on exaggerated masculinity, fetishistic focus on the male physique, extensive use of sweat/body oils, and promotions of polyamorous homosexual BDSM rituals involving "tag teams" and "submission" September 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming about your dead husband cheating also about moving to Georgia and about numbers May 13, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I don't know if it was a dream. I woke up looked at my cellphone for the time. Some number registered in my head. As I was laying back down caught a glimpse of the alarm clock, it had a different time. I looked at the cell phone again and verified the two clocks were off by about 2 hours. I thought what the heck, laid back down and went back to sleep. Did not dream anymore that I remember. February 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Number 28 number 65 golden eagle and mountain lion attacking numbers March 24, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis