I was spending the night at an exclusive hotel with my ex boyfriend , hiding my dog from the staff, my ex took my dog for a walk and ended up in another woman's room to have sex on a pooltable. i snuck into that room to get my dog and ran out through a hidden eleivator
I was spending the night at an exclusive hotel with my ex boyfriend well hiding my dog from the staff, my ex took my dog for a walk and ended up in another woman's room to have sex on a pool table. i snuck into that room to get my dog and ran out through a hidden eleivator
Fall down elevator shaft
A girl opens a door and falls down an elevator shaft
So it starts me talking to a guy in a hospital bed in a dimly lit room he has a lady
holding his hand next to him... cant tell the age of her. I go to find a restroom but
im stopped my a room filled with doors at the end of the hall is an elevator
my pants for some reason go away no where to be found. Luckily for me i had a
long button up jacket on. i went down the elevator to a busy place filled with
work men walking around. looks almost like an old hotel. I go to the dining place
where everyone is eating. I go up to the counter and get a tray of delicious looking
food. I dont eat it though. This old ugly almost evil looking lady tells me to eat
then i awaken
I dreamed that some men and boys were coming through my backyard to burgularize my home also me and someone else driving in a car thought we being followed by a lady cop or policewoman. Saw an old lady that wanted tome to take her some place so she was trying to get in the same elevator with me. I went somewhere where I had to pay some money and they charge me extra also I dreamt I wanted to cut off my left or wanted my left foot cut off
I was spending the night at an exclusive hotel with my ex- boyfriend ,and was also hiding my dog from the staff, my ex- boyfriend took my dog for a walk and ended up in another woman's room to have sex on a pool-table. i snuck into that room to get my dog and ran out through a hidden eleivator
I was spending the night at an exclusive hotel with my ex boyfriend , hiding my dog from the staff, my ex boyfriend took my dog for a walk and ended up in another woman's room to have sex on a pooltable. i snuck into that room to get my dog and ran out through a hidden eleivator
I was in the country with my friends and mother. I decided that I wanted to be free and explore the beautiful water. I walked to a pear that stretched for miles. There was an elevator that took me around the entire countryside. My mother wanted to go with me and I agreed but the need to explore was great. I got on the elevator and was soaring above the pear and water . I was swinging almost. I saw a guy in the water and decided to let go and to land on the peer. I was afraid of getting into the water and landed on the grass. My mother was upset that I left her.
I am in an elevator with one white man, two white women and a middle eastern woman, and I am Indian, and because of my beard the three white folk make fun and throw racial insults by calling me Osama Bin Laden and everyone laughs including the middle east women.