Catching a black snake that appears to be dead. Put it in bucket a that appears to have water in it. Pour it out into a calm stream of water and snake appears alive. Then notice a raccoon watching me. I throw a small object in the area of the raccoon and it chases after it.
I was being chased by a giant snake that turned green
Grey children and rats ,snakes and old bosses
A big snake guarding the entrance of the cottage we are in while floating in the water
Green snakes
I found a young girl sitting by herself in a forest. There was an enormous snake infront of her, so picked her up and ran away from the snake to save her and get out of the forest. While I was running I ran through a bunch of huge spiders, caterpillars and moths then two flies flew infront of me and one of the flies ate the other one.
I dreamed of snake for two consecutive nights already
Snakes fighting and eggs on the bed
Train snakes and trap and a friend
I dream about snakes sometimes