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Dreams path

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I had a recurring dream since i was young. I am walking by myself along the pathway to my dad's friend's condo. I walk past a brown brick wall with graffiti on it and as I pass it it changes into a giant snake that is the same brown color with graffiti on it. Then all of a sudden I am in a city and it is in a mess and people are freaking out. Then I see a building across the street with glass windows and I walk in and it is people sitting in folding metal chairs listening to a priest talking and there is one empty seat with a chinese dictionary on it. I grab te dictionary and run back out, then I am in a neighborhood and I try to run to someone's house to get help but the snake finds me so I get in someone's car that is parked in their driveway and I crawl under a seat and try to hide. Then the snake finds me in the car and grows arms and just as it is about to get me I wake up. I haven't had this dream in a couple of years though.

The dream starts out in my house. There is my mother and sister on the couch and the light is on. Then the dream changes. Now I'm in a bedroom which seems like the attic. I'm lying in this bed, my sister is in it with me and my grandfather too. My grand ma is sitting in a chair at the end where my grand pa is. My grandpa is lying on his stomach and starts turning and moving all over the bed. We figure he's dying and I think that if I died I wanna die with god the last thing on my mind. So grandpa is still tossing and turning and I keep saying that he looks peaceful and then he dies and then the number 70 pops into my mind because god promised to give 70 years. Then it's like he disappeared and where back in the room. This time l'm asleep and sister wakes me up so seems evil and keeps trying to take all the space on the bed. Then the dream shifts to these girls it's summer and there having fun riding there bikes. There in the street in the middle part between the yellow lines and the concrete in their path is making the area the tires can sqeeze through smaller and smaller. Next it's this mini cliff in there way so they jump down it with there bikes. Again there going down the street then a mad men with a gun with a ski mask all dressed in black starts shooting at time with a machine gun. I see them trying to get away and I notice one girl gets shot in the back then the dream shifts again. Now I'm back in middle school but I'm still the same age and which is high school age and I walk in there wearing different clothes then everbody else. My shirt was red then one of my old classmates makes fun of me and says he bets that I can't even spell the word dynamite. Then I get a dictionary and on my way I notice this couple at a table there studying or something. Then the dream shifts to the news. The reporter says that there are different gods and dreams that they give you are long and lengthy and you have to choose which one to believe.

I was in an empty room with three stranger, two boys and one girl, one of the boy had blue hair and a cool look while the girl had twintailed curly hair and an innocent expression; we had to escape together from the mansion. we walked toward a door and found ourself on a path with beautiful trees on the sides. we used a motorcicle that was parked near us to try and escape but suddenly one of the guys remembered that he lost some money in the previous room. The blue haired boy decide to go back and search for the money of the other guy despite the dangerous situation. I decided to go back as well and tried to drive the motorcicle without success. when we got back, the girl noticed a door that we hadn't seen before so she went toward the door with the boy who lost the money to explore, leaving the searching to the blue haired boy and me. We found two pair of ten euro on the floor and I took them to give them back to the boy who lost them. I went to the other room. On the floor, covered in her blood was the twintailed girl, dead, while the boy that lost the twenty euro stood there, a knife in his hand. he looked at me, a twisted grin on his face. he grabbed my t-shirt and pushed me on the floor than he walked in the previous room and locked the door. I tried to open it without any success; the blue haired boy was in danger with that Killer. Suddenly I heard a mechanic rumor and a little girl's voice:"Where are you?" she singed. Sensing danger, I walked toward every door I found but each of them was closed. finally I found myself at the end of the corridor, there were two doors, one in front of me and one on my right:"I'm coming" the girl said. Scared I pulled the door in front of me open and found myself in a room filled with strange looking people. one woman who was seated on a trone looked at me and decided that if i could win three trials, i could continue my escape even without companion. I found myself duelling with a plastic weapon against a girl and I won. in the second trial I found myself challenging in a music contest a small child with familiar features. the child played a familiar avventurous song, he was really good at it, I had little to no chance to win. In that instant the blue haired guy and the Killer entered the room. "You!" I screamed running toward them to punch the killer. the woman on the trone made me stop with a commanding look.

I was at my mums house, and she was fine yet there was this man that always seemed to be in the background, he never spoke and he seemed like he could be a nasty piece of work, and then i walked with my mum into the backgarden and whilst she smoked her ciggy, i walked up the garden path like i usually did, i climbed a tree and when i turned around there was my partners male cousin, he said something along the lines of dont think about going anywhere and then we looked around and saw a roller skate rolling down the roof of the shed! and thats weird but i looked back at him and then there was another guy that i knew from my past that i had a complicated relationship with, we've not spoken in years and yet here he was sat next to my partners cousin. Then they both turned into WOLVES! so i walked indoors and when they came through the back door they became wolf pups? then i woke up. I swear im going crazy?! ive had even weirder dreams before this one... Btw im an 18 year old guy

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