In my house with a friend, without parents and two men are trying to break in and kill me. Police officer comes and doesn't help. One of the bad men tried to kill me and cuts my arm with a knife then starts crying
My sister was possess by unknown demon I keep on finding her but I cant in order to find her out parents should get close again, since we are separated they don't believe me.
Family visiting old friends at there house staying for a while
walk out of grochery store looking for my car many alike go to my volkswagen before being able to identify if its mine guy friend pulls me into car with other guys for a road trip leave car to make sure its mine drive away but i cant drive
tell my parents an old friend of mine has anxiety issues so she goes to anxiety class i fell bad because i lied but i have anxiety so in a room with aquarium walls in a circle including the old friend her cousin and others during an anxiety class
Deceased parents are seeing me off to my job of driving a semi truck, father hands me a gun. We discuss wage and the number $500.
Last night I've dreamed that I was in my grandparents house (they are dead now. they were my father's parents). it was almost night in the dream. at the moment in that house nobody lives, but in my dream I had the feeling that there are so many people... like in my childhood when I used to visit.At some point in the dream, my dead grandmother showed up. she didn't speak or look at me. she was just passed by. she was inside the house. i was looking at her. I wasn't afraid, but I was so surprised to see her again so healthy and on her feet instead of very sick with one misseing leg like she was before death. she was walking slowly, very careful but with dignity. in my dream she was looking very well and I had a feeling of admiration. after, i dont remember what happened but I was in another part of the house, staying at the door, looking outside, with a fear feeling. in front of me were wood fences . to the left a man silhouette (I couldn't see who he was...maybe my father) and to the right an animal.. I thought it was a small bear, or a dog looking as a bear). they were separated by fences. each had a door with locker. In the dream I was afraid of that open locker... I could see the big lock, full of in the dream I was thinking that we must close that locker but at the same time I didn't move. I dont remember the rest of the dream.. but I remember changing the plan. I was back in Uk, from Romania (my grandparents house) with my actual boyfriend ... trying to manage some furniture in a very tiny space...our new home in my dream. I remember also a woman. I didn;t see her. I knew she was very young and somehow connected with my boyfriend . she was kind of a menthor to him. what all these could mean?
My ex fiancé in hospital shouting for me and his parents have to call me to tell me to get to the hospital because there son needs me/ calling for me and will only see me
Had a dream about several women that were all against me even my boyfriend was there on there side at my grandparents house and I found my boyfriend 's rings smashed up outside.
LI dreamed a fire began in my home and I was rushing around trying to save jewellery while putting out the fire which spread and finally exploded most spectaculary. My (dead) parents were saved, as was my sister. I seemed to watch from on the street beside two fire engines.
I decamped that my parents and me we're moving house
The dream I had last night was a little weird. I don’t remember most of it, but what I do remember is receiving several kisses and hugs from this girl I like at church. Eventually, we went to some sort of bedroom and, you know, had sex It seemed as though we were in a relationship or something. What’s really weird is that I haven’t seen her for almost a month and she hasn’t been on my mind at all up until now. She’s about 3 years younger than me, but we have known each other for almost 5 years now. But her parents and I are good friends and she is friends with my sister, so I do see her around sometimes. What could this dream mean?