Understand My Dreams

Dreams morning

Ok because I had a dream last nite or this morning I was in a car as a passenger riding with a women and her two toddler boys but in the dream I felt this was my car but anyways we were leaving my house and the next door neighbor was backing into his driveway and she wasn't paying attention even tho he was rite in her face she tore his car up so I get out to see the damage and I was like awe And she pelled off but the car had to much tuork and she lose controll again and ran into a neighbors house totaling the car so I went to see if see was alright and she was so I went into the house well when she came in I choked her not to deaf but then I went to aplogize to the guy and her boys were standing out side the door and I told them go inside and they didn't listen so I picked up the first one and put him in and I told the other older one go in an he wouldn't so I grabbed him by is hair and put him in After that I woke up feeling bad and repented to GOD for my wrong and I just wondered y did I do that ?

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