Understand My Dreams

Dreams got out

My friend got angry over a voice recording that my other friend showed her that I said. But it was funny, and very unreasonable that she would be mad. She went over the top with her anger, and broke my ankle and hired three men to hold me hostage in a small town. They took away my blue Camaro that my dad gave to me. Eventually I found a phone and called my dad to rescue me. He came and it was a a huge struggle and chase to escape the premises of the town. When we escaped we stopped off at a store. My friend showed up and I yelled that I trusted her. She took out a gun and pointed it at me and then left. My dad got out of the car to come into the store. I screamed dad run, and he started running. My friend shot my dad and killed him.

Sitting in a shinny red pickup truck alone on the passenger side but the shiny red truck was not moving at all. but all of a sudden the truck began to roll backwards with no keys in no gears just moving down a hill backward, so I looked to see where the truck were headed and I saw an ocean below so the truck continued down the hill until it got to the end of the ocean water and stopped. so the I got out of the truck and tried to push the truck back up the hill and some ore people came to help me push the truck.

My friend got angry over a voice recording that my other friend showed her that I said. But it was funny, and very unreasonable that she would be mad. She went over the top with her anger, and broke my ankle and hired three men to hold me hostage in a small town. They took away my blue Camaro that my dad gave to me. Eventually I found a phone and called my dad to rescue me. He came and it was a a huge struggle and chase to escape the premises of the town. When we escaped we stopped off at a store. My friend showed up and I yelled that I trusted her. She took out a gun and pointed it at me and then left. My dad got out of the car to come into the store. I screamed dad run, and he started running. My friend shot my dad and murder him.

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