Understand My Dreams

Dreams fight

There were very long stairs and the top of the stairs was me and someone that looked exactly like my partner sort of a clowned version of my partner and at the bottom of the stairs was my real partner so there was like two of her as soon as she saw me with the person that looked exactly like her she ran towards me and started fighting for me when i tried stopping them the person that looked like my partner pushed me i stood up and ran to my real partner crying my partner and i ran down the stairs whilst the clowned version of my partner stayed at the top of the stairs looking at us with anger

In my dream, I saw my childhood friend. He was successful and happy, he worked for a company that helped manage the NFL, and he was rich. I was the same person I was in high school, and I wanted what he had, so I sabotaged his life, got him fired, got him divorced, and made him lose everything. We got in a fight after he found out it was me that was causing him so much pain and I cut out one of his eyes. I was arrested and thrown in jail. He was homeless and suicidal. After being released, we made up and everything got better.

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