I was transported to a forest because my wits were to be tested. then after i passed the test i was sent to a fantasy place were an evil lego jester was taking command. me and several others took him down. the charecter i remember the best was lucy from narnia. when the jester was dead we were took to a chest and were told that our work was done. soon we were in the chest and a loud humming noise took place. one by one we turned neon yellow and disapeared. i was flew to my bed and buy some magical force put in a exact position. and then i woke up. January 14, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was buying a scissor. the shopkeeper gave me a black-handled scissor and I asked her to give me a bigger scissor. she went in the store and gave me a bigger black-handled scissor. December 03, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in a farm house, where I know I Live. My mother is there as she looked forty years ago. I go out for a walk and walk across a path surrounded by rough grass and find a cooked chicken obviously partially eaten by a wild animal. I remember that I didn't put the chicken and other foods away in the cupboard in the outhouse and go back to tell my mother what has happened. She sends me to the shops to buy another, but aI buy a brown feather stuffed cushion instead. When the guests and other members of the family arrive for the invited meal there is a large buffet of food on the table including the remains of the chicken. which I slice off a piece and eat. My mother looks at my questioningly and I shrug and laugh. later I tell people about my mistaking a pillow for a chcken. November 20, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream with three parts that were easy to remember, 1. The bed was covered with prickly little balls that I removed by the handful. 2. I was doing a plumbing repair and everytime Ithought it was completed, there would be a small leak. 3. Buying train tickets for someone and couldn't get the help I needed to purchase the right tickets. January 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
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"My mom left me and my little sister at home. When she left a guy came to buy something for us. He had a knife and threatened to stab me. My little sister came downstairs to check on me. He tried to run after her but I caught him and stopped him. I told my little sister to hide. He raped me and beat me up a couple times. Then I finally got rid of him and my mom came back while I was laying in bed. She yelled at me then started crying and saying she was sorry for leaving me alone. " December 01, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
My sons father came to me in my dream high on drugs and asked me to buy him some drugs knowing I wouldn't. November 30, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis